The glory is being happy. The glory is not winning here or winning there. The glory is enjoying practicing, enjoy every day, enjoying to work hard, trying to be a better player than before.
Everybody likes to say that Roger Federer is the Greatest Player of all time because its so nice to watch him play…but you have got to throw in Nadal’s Mind as well…and That’s the GREATEST OF ALL TIME!!!
If you want to belong to the best, you need good technique and, perhaps even more importantly, a good eye. If you see the ball sooner, you have more time to think about how and where to return it.
I think is about confidence. Is about doing the right things. Is about being healthy. Is not about if I want to work or if I don’t want to work. Is about if I can work or if I can’t work.
I was shy when I was a kid, I was very shy, but now I think I’ve improved a lot. I can speak OK with the media and with the people. My English is still bad but I feel a little bit better now than before.
The US player Andy Roddick reaches speeds of 220 kilometers per hour when he serves. If I train with him every day, I will later be at an advantage against a player whose service crosses the net at 190 kilometers per hour.
I am happy with being a tennis player and the choice I took when I was 12. But clearly, if I wouldnt have been a tennis player, I would have loved to be a soccer player. But again, I am happy with the choice I made.
Seriously, I am not a person that I think much about what happened or what didn’t happen or what could happen. I happy about the things that happened to me. I’m a lucky person, for sure, for all the things that happened to me during my life.