Soon the sun beams will smile through. Before you jump out of that bed, just know, the thought of you was the first thing that hit my head. JUDY GARLAND BedHeadLoveMyselfShineSmileSun
I think there’s something peculiar about me that I haven’t died. It doesn’t make sense but I refuse to die. JUDY GARLAND DeathMyselfThinkingWeird
If I’m such a legend, then why am I so lonely? If I’m such a legend, then why do I sit at home for hours staring at the damned telephone, hoping it’s out of order, even calling the operator asking her if she’s sure it’s not out of order? JUDY GARLAND HomeLegendLonelyMyselfOrderPhone
My life, my career has been like a roller coaster. I’ve either been an enormous success or just a down-and-out failure. JUDY GARLAND CareerFailureLifeMyselfSuccess
For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul. JUDY GARLAND HeartKissingLipsMyselfSoulYourself
He gave me a look at myself I’ve never had before. He saw something in me nobody else ever did. He made me see it too. He made me believe it. JUDY GARLAND BelieveInspirationalLoveRelationshipSeeYourself
Hollywood is a strange place if you’re in trouble. Everybody thinks it’s contagious. JUDY GARLAND HollywoodPlaceStrangeThinkingTrouble
I truly have a great love for an audience, and I used to want to prove it to them by giving them blood. JUDY GARLAND AudienceBloodGreatnessLoveMyselfTrue
There have been times when I have deliberately tried to take my life… I think I must have been crying for some attention. JUDY GARLAND AttentionCryEducationLifeMyselfSuicideThinkingTime