To be honest, I’ve found so many more friends in the music industry than people I disagree with. I certainly haven’t been made to feel like an outsider.
I feel like you’re able to be your most creative in private environments, and not a studio where an A&R person is coming in, telling us a song isn’t a smash.
As soon as you make anything that people like, you get all these new artists hitting you up like ‘I want to sound just like Billie Eilish.’ And I’m always like, ‘Absolutely not.’
I feel like the thing that I’ve learned a lot is when you’re involved in something, you don’t always get to appreciate it for what it is as much. You’re focused on the details and how you can make it better. It’s kind of torture.
I don’t particularly like recording studios, they tend to be lifeless and without any natural light, so I wanted to record wherever we lived. We just don’t want to be bound to a studio to who we’d have to pay untold sums to.