I’m not going to be a guy who does dances after he strikes somebody out. I’m not like that. I just want to secure a win. That’s my job. BRAD LIDGE GuyJobsWinning
I’d like to get back and win the World Series and have that be the last image in my mind for the postseason. BRAD LIDGE MindWinningWorld
If they know you’re a nibbler, they’re going to wait and look for that. Hitters have to be more aggressive if you’re more aggressive. BRAD LIDGE AggressiveLooksWaiting
Whenever you don’t have a good game, whether you’re a starter, reliever, whatever, you definitely want to get out there again as soon as you can. BRAD LIDGE GamesStartersWant
When you’re a pitcher for the Houston Astros and a stranger notices you in a mall in Colorado, you know things have really changed. BRAD LIDGE ColoradoHoustonStranger