I think you got to keep in mind that Obama was raised among Muslims, and I think he really does not want to use the word war on terror because he was raised in that community. BOB BECKEL CommunityRaiseTerrorThinkingWar
Mitt Romney had a fundraiser in Israel with a bunch of diamond merchants, we don’t know the names of them. BOB BECKEL BunchCommunityCountry Names
Asking politicians to vote themselves out of power is like asking rabbits not to multiply, it ain’t natural. BOB BECKEL AskingNaturalRabbitsVote
Some days I feel like I’m only the fire hydrant to Westminster dog show. BOB BECKEL DogFireHydrantsShows
The Persians used to be a pretty strong – my on problem with people who say don’t talk to him. BOB BECKEL CountryPeoplePrettyStrongTalk
The problem is, we’ve had three generations of Iranians who have come to really hate the United States. BOB BECKEL HatePeopleStatesStrongUnited