We’re no longer arguing about riding in the back of the bus, but being the bus driver or the president of the bus company. BENJAMIN HOOKS DiversityDogJusticePresident
We’re not pushing for the right to buy the hot dog, but selling the hot dog and the right to own the hot dog franchise. BENJAMIN HOOKS BuyDogFranchisePushingRightSelling
Black men who have succeeded have an obligation to serve as role models for young men entrapped by a vicious cycle of poverty, despair, and hopelessness. BENJAMIN HOOKS BlackMenRole Models
The most enduring contributions made to civilization have not been made by brawn, they have been made by brain. BENJAMIN HOOKS BrainCivilizationMade
If you think you are leading and turn around to see no one following, then you are just taking a walk. BENJAMIN HOOKS EmpoweringLeadershipOthersThinking