I don’t enjoy watching people fail, but I don’t feel sorry for them when they fail crossing my path, that I love. BEHDAD SAMI PathPeopleSorry
If one door closes and another does not open, try climbing thru a window, either way, make your way in. BEHDAD SAMI ClimbingDoorsTrying
Being successful is not determined by the amount of money you make but by the amount of lives you affect and influence for the better. BEHDAD SAMI DeterminedInfluenceSuccessful
Never put anything past anyone. Stop expecting people to be as genuine as you are, it’s never the case & it will almost always be a let down. BEHDAD SAMI DownLetPastPeople
I would rather be on a roller coaster life going through hell and back to appreciate the glory instead of having it all at once. BEHDAD SAMI AppreciateBackGloryHell
You must forgive anyone who has done you dirty, and move on. Your personal life, career, and love life will be that much more amazing after. BEHDAD SAMI AmazingDirtyLife
I will never apologize for being me, speaking the truth & giving all of me to the world. I will never apologize for being real & how I feel. BEHDAD SAMI GivingRealWorld
Some people talk the talk and walk the walk while I’m silently running. BEHDAD SAMI People WalksRunning
Whether it’s good talk or bad talk about me, as long as your talking and making me the center of your world, I win. BEHDAD SAMI LongTalkingWinning
The difference between trying and doing is one leads to success, while the other leads to excuses. BEHDAD SAMI DifferencesExcuseTrying
Stop wishing & start doing! Your lack of effort won’t affect a true hustlers ambition. Perseverance through adversity is key. BEHDAD SAMI AdversityAmbitionPerseverance
Calls ignored, texts unanswered, short replies, excuses made. All I can say is don’t be surprised when you’re not in my future. BEHDAD SAMI ExcuseIgnoredMade
I have to keep reminding myself that being famous on earth would be nice but I would rather walk the red carpet in Heaven. BEHDAD SAMI HeavenNiceRatherWalk
Set your expectations and goals so high that people think they’re impossible, that’s when you know you set them too low. BEHDAD SAMI GoalPeopleThinking
Some people are quick to challenge others but refuse to look in the mirror and challenge themselves. BEHDAD SAMI ChallengesMirrorsPeople
If you can’t look in the mirror and genuinely love 100% of what you see, how can you possibly say “i love you” to someone else. BEHDAD SAMI LooksLoveMirrors
If you strive to be perfect in everything, whether it’s possible or not, you will always live a more fulfilled life. BEHDAD SAMI FulfilledLifePerfectStrive
Even people’s dreams don’t match the reality of my life. I don’t dream, I set goals and accomplish them. BEHDAD SAMI DreamPeopleReality
Success is not determined by the amount of accomplishments, but by the road traveled & how you handled the recovery of each failed attempt. BEHDAD SAMI AccomplishmentDetermineRecovery
I have never had a NY resolution. While you wait each year to make a resolution you never commit to, I get it done everyday. BEHDAD SAMI EverydayWaitingYears
Appreciate your flaws to reach the potential of your greatness. BEHDAD SAMI AppreciationFlawsGreatness