Why is life so difficult? Why can’t we be just ourselves and have everyone accept us the way we are? BEATRICE SPARKS AcceptingDifficultWay
I’m not really sure which parts of myself are real and which parts are things I’ve gotten from books. BEATRICE SPARKS BookPartRealReally
My biggest mistake: not wanting to help myself into thinking I am happy, that change would come about without really trying to change, or wanting to change. Procrastinating about changing. I do want to change. BEATRICE SPARKS MistakesThinkingTrying
How is it possible for me to be so miserable and embarrassed and humiliated and beaten an function still talk and smile and concentrate? BEATRICE SPARKS EmbarrassedFunctionMiserable
It’s a good thing most people bleed on the inside or this would be a gory, blood-smeared earth. BEATRICE SPARKS BloodLifePeople