Endings are just new beginnings in the shape of pain and despair. BARBARA GIANQUITTO BeginningDespairEndPainShape
And i move towards you like a sunflower moves to the sun. BARBARA GIANQUITTO RelationshipSunSunflower
I don’t need that last conversation. I don’t need to understand what went wrong. Your silence explained enough. BARBARA GIANQUITTO Break UpConservationEndingSilenceUnderstand
Self love is the highest form of love and the hardest. Choose you. BARBARA GIANQUITTO ChooseLoveSelf LoveYourself
Lets walk the unknown path, the one you don’t know where it leads. BARBARA GIANQUITTO InspirationalLostPathTravelWalk
Teaching you how to love me, is not a job i want to sign up for. BARBARA GIANQUITTO LoveRelationshipTeaching
You deserve someone who looks at you like they won the lottery. BARBARA GIANQUITTO DeserveLotteryLoveRelationshipYou
Don’t confuse my kindness for foolishness. Understanding and forgiveness are two different things. BARBARA GIANQUITTO ConfusionDifferentFoolishForgivenessKindKindness
I offer no explanations on how i choose to repair what you broke. BARBARA GIANQUITTO BreakBroken HeartChooseExplanationRepair
What if all the pain i am going through is preparing me for something amazing? BARBARA GIANQUITTO AmazingPainPreparationStrength
Hope isn’t about pretending that dark times don’t exist, its all about believing that darkness will not forever. BARBARA GIANQUITTO BelieveDarknessHard TimeHopePretend
And one day we will finally understand the sense of it all. Until then all we can do is hold onto hope. BARBARA GIANQUITTO HopeLifeUnderstand
You may just be my new beginning or the absolute end of me. BARBARA GIANQUITTO AbsoluteBeginningEndingRelationship
I miss you in ways I didn’t think it could be humanly possible to miss someone. BARBARA GIANQUITTO I Miss YouLovePossibleRelationship
We made a mess of this love, you and I. Forever the most beautiful disaster. BARBARA GIANQUITTO BeautifulDisasterForeverLoveMessRelationship
Wherever you are my love, know that we can still see the same moonlight whilst counting the same stars. BARBARA GIANQUITTO CountLoveMoonStars
A love that demands love will burn the very essence of what once made it pure. BARBARA GIANQUITTO BurnDemandEssenceLovePure
Respect and kindness are human rights not privileges. BARBARA GIANQUITTO Human RightsKindnessPrivilegeRespect
The way you look at me, The way you make me feel whole, The way you make me feel safe, thats poetry to me. BARBARA GIANQUITTO CoupleLookPoetrySafe