This planet that God created for us to live in is just so breathtakingly beautiful. ALAN ROBERTSON BeautifulBreathtakinglyCreateGodJustLivePlanetUs
Alaska is so unblemished. It really gives you a good look back at what the earth looks like without a lot human beings crawling all over it. ALAN ROBERTSON CountryCrawlEarthGoofHuman BeingLookOverReallyUnblemish
Of any place that I have ever been to, it speaks such high volumes about God and creation. ALAN ROBERTSON BeenCreationEverGodHighPlaceSpeakVolume
You never know if you have met your best friend in life yet. That still may be to come. ALAN ROBERTSON BestComeFriendKnowMetneverStill
Hope is such an important component to moving forward and getting past the difficult times. ALAN ROBERTSON CompetentDifficultForwardGetHopeImportantMovePaasSuchTime