An organizing principal in fact, that describes how humans came to be. ALAN I. LESHNER DescribeFactHumanOrganizingPrincipal
Evolution is far more than a belief or an educated guess about how people came to be as they are. ALAN I. LESHNER BeliefComeEvolutionFarGuessPeople
Many, many thousands of studies that, in fact, have provided a theory. ALAN I. LESHNER FactManyProvideStudyTheoryThousand
Evolution is an organizing principle and when we call it a theory, we mean it’s a theory. ALAN I. LESHNER CallEvolutionMeanOrganizePrincipleTheory
It is, in fact, the product of converging evidence from many, many different fields of science. ALAN I. LESHNER ConvergeDifferentEvidenceFactFieldManyProductScience