Agent Mom is a perfect opportunity for me to do what I love… develop characters, act and take incredible stories to my fans. ALAINA HUFFMAN AgentCharacterDevelopFanIncredibleLoveMomOpportunityPerfectStory
I tend to curse in French more often than I do in English. ALAINA HUFFMAN CountryCurseDoEnglishMoreTend
Double Indemnity is one of my all time favorites. Thats my favorite. ALAINA HUFFMAN AllDoubleFavoriteIndemnityOne
I feel like science fiction is so much more mainstream now than it has been. And I feel like thats because technology has caught up with us. ALAINA HUFFMAN CaughtFeelFictionMainstreamScienceTechnology
I did a little film called Nina, a small role. I played a French girl who was a nurse to Nina Simone. Zoe Saldana plays Nina. ALAINA HUFFMAN CallCountryFilmGirlLittleNursePeopleRole Play
If youre a singer, you do concerts, and you get that interaction with fans and see what cities in what part of the world come out to see you. ALAINA HUFFMAN CityConcertFanInterActionOutPartSeeSingerWorld