Never give up your day job. I do all sorts of things, but at the end of the day, it all boils down to The Today Show, AL ROKER BoilDayDownEndGiveneverShowTodayUp
You can’t name an institution that doesn’t depend on volunteers. AL ROKER DependInstitutionNameVolunteer
In our society leaving baby with Daddy is just one step above leaving the kids to be raised by wolves or apes. AL ROKER AngerApesBabyDaddyKidLeaveRaiseSocietyStepWolve
If somehow every volunteer vanished tomorrow, so much of this country would come to a standstill: schools, hospitals and libraries. AL ROKER CountryHospitalLibraryNameSchoolTomorrowVolunteer
When Courtney’s mother and I first separated I tried to be Disney Dad, showering her with gifts, trips and then I snapped out of it. AL ROKER CourtneyDadDisneyFirstGiftKidMotherSeparateShowerSnapTripTry
To me, there is no difference between ‘natural’ and ‘adopted.’ . AL ROKER AdoptBetweenDifferenceNaturalNoThere
In the pregnancy process I have come to realize how much of the burden is on the female partner. She’s got a construction zone going on in her belly. AL ROKER BurdenFemaleMuchPartnerPregnancyProcessRealize
I was just thrilled to get the gig to begin with. Ten years later to still have it is not only thrilling but also somewhat of a puzzlement. AL ROKER BeginGigLaterSomewhatThrillYear
Watching the scenes out of New Orleans, if you turn down the sound it could be the Sudan or any Third World country. But it’s not. it’s the United States of America. AL ROKER CountryDownSceneSoundTurnWatchWorld
Mom and Dad even took in foster children. ‘There are no limits to how much you can love,’ Dad always said. AL ROKER AlwaysChildrenDadEvenFosterLimitLoveMomMuchTook
If I was having a bad day, eating was like self-medicating. But if you abuse food, you still have to use that substance that you abuse every day. AL ROKER AbuseBadDayEatFoodStillSubstanceUse
You don’t have to try to impress your kids. If they’re not getting what they need from you, they will let you know. AL ROKER GetImpressKidKnowLetNeedTryYou
I don’t make plans, because life is short and unpredictable – much like the weather! AL ROKER InspirationalLifePlanShortUnpredictableWeather
My first college roommate greeted me with a shocked silence followed by, ‘So. . .you’re black. AL ROKER BlackCollegeFollowGreetRoommateShockSilence
We already had an adopted daughter, 10-year-old Courtney, from my previous marriage. AL ROKER AdoptAlreadyDaughterMarriageOldPreviousTenYear
My own childhood showed me that when it comes to loving your kids, concepts like that don’t apply. AL ROKER ApplyChildhoodComeConceptKidLikeLoveOwnSho
Exercising is what I need for my metabolism and for a better sense of well-being. AL ROKER BeingBetterExcerciseMetabolismNeedSenseWell
I couldn’t wait for Courtney to come to the hospital so I could have all my women together. AL ROKER AllComeHospitalTogetherWaitWomen
There is no quick fix. At the end of the day, you still have to do the work to maintain your weight. It can’t be a diet. You have to change your life. AL ROKER ChangeDayDietEndLifeMaintainQuickWeightWork
They wrapped her up like a baby burrito to show to Mom. Here were a mother and her daughter and I love them both so much. AL ROKER BabyBothBurritoDaughterLikeLoveMomMotherShowWrap
And I love doing this thing, and they will have to blow me out of here with dynamite before I leave. AL ROKER BeforeBlowDynamiteHereLeaveLoveTheyThing
I also want them to know that being successful is not the real world – that their parents get treated better because they’re on TV. AL ROKER AlsoBetterParentRealSuccessfulTelevisionTreatWantWorld
I know I need to exercise. For some people, exercise is like breathing; for others, like me, it takes effort. AL ROKER BreathEffortExerciseKnowLikeNeedOtherPeopleTake