People still come up to me and ask me to sign their records. That’s right, records! Man, they don’t even make records no more! AL GREEN AskComeEvenMakeManMoreNoPeopleRecordRightSignStill
Pakistan that we are appreciative for the help that’s been extended. AL GREEN AppreciativeBeenCountryExtendHelp
GM is operating in an intensely competitive global environment and reaching this tentative agreement allows us to continue to build momentum in the market with the award-winning vehicles and components produced in Canada. AL GREEN AgreementAwardEnvironmentGlobalMarketReachTentativeVehicleWinWinning
Theres a lot of churches that hide their dirty laundry under the rug, and I know about that from being in the church 27 years. Oh, yeah. AL GREEN BeingChurchDirtyHideKnowLaundryRugUnderYear