Overall, I want you to discover the joy of creation by your own handthe possibility of creation from paper is infinite. AKIRA YOSHIZAWA CreationDiscoverHandInfiniteJoyOverallPaper
They also encompass religion, philosophy, and biochemistry. AKIRA YOSHIZAWA ChemistryEncompassPhilosophyReligion
Over all, I want you to discover the joy of creation by your own hand. AKIRA YOSHIZAWA AllCreationDiscoverHanJoyOverOwn
My origami creations, in accordance with the laws of nature, require the use of geometry, science, and physics. AKIRA YOSHIZAWA AccordanceCreationGeometryJoyLawNatureOrigamiPhilosophyPhysicsRequireScience
Geometry alone is not enough to portray human desires, expressions, aspirations, joys. We need more. AKIRA YOSHIZAWA AloneAspirationDesireEnoughExpressionGeometryHumanJoyMoreNeedPort
The possibility of creation from paper is infinite. AKIRA YOSHIZAWA CreationFromInfinitePaperPossibility