Be yourself. Don’t pretend that you know something you don’t. AGNIESZKA HOLLAND BeingCareFakePretendSomethingYourself
[Henry] James is much more complex than Jane Austen. That’s why it’s not so easy to adapt him. AGNIESZKA HOLLAND AdaptComplexEasyMuchNicePeoplePiece
People expect a nice period piece, but that’s not always the case. There’s a deep human mystery in his work. AGNIESZKA HOLLAND AlwaysCaseDeepExpectHumanMysteryNicePeoplePeriodPieceWork
The internet creates chaos and a dangerous kind of piracy but makes the viewer much more active and gives the voice to minority players. AGNIESZKA HOLLAND ActiveChaosCreateDangerousGivingInternetKindMinorityPiracyPlayerViewerVoice
I believe that the internet as an open platform for distribution could be a great chance for the diversity of film production. AGNIESZKA HOLLAND BelieveChanceDistributionDiversityFilmGreatInternetOpenPlatformProduction