And all means of discovering them are equally admissible. ADRIEN-MARIE LEGENDRE AdmissibleAllDiscoveringEquallyMean
These … tables (values of trignometric functions), constructed by means of new techniques based principally on the calculus of differences. ADRIEN-MARIE LEGENDRE BeautifulConstructedDifferenceFunctionMeanNewTableTechniqueTrigonometricValue
All the truths of mathematics are linked to each other. ADRIEN-MARIE LEGENDRE EachLinkedMathematicsMeanOtherScienceTruth
And have even substituted extensive theories for the isolated propositions of Fermat. ADRIEN-MARIE LEGENDRE EvenExtensiveFermatIsolatedPropositionSubstitutedTheories
It is a matter for considerable regret that Fermat, who cultivated the theory of numbers with so much success. ADRIEN-MARIE LEGENDRE ConsiderableCultivateEffortFermatMatterNumberRegretSuccessTheory
did not leave us with the proofs of the theorems he discovered. ADRIEN-MARIE LEGENDRE DiscoveredLeaveProofTheorem
Are one of the most beautiful monuments ever erected to science. ADRIEN-MARIE LEGENDRE BeautifulErectedMonumentMostScience
But there are several proofs which have resisted their efforts. ADRIEN-MARIE LEGENDRE EffortProofResistedSeveral
In truth, Messrs Euler and Lagrange, who have not disdained this kind of research, have proved most of these theorems. ADRIEN-MARIE LEGENDRE DisdainedPeopleResearchTheoremTruth