You’d think that you’d be able to convey more through dialogue. ADRIEN BRODY AbleConveyDialogueMoreThink
I grew up without a lot of money and my parents grew up with far less money. And that’s kept me in line. Really in line. ADRIEN BRODY FarGrewKeptLessLineLotMoneyParentUp
It’s something that I don’t want to lose. I like being unnoticed when I don’t feel like being noticed. ADRIEN BRODY BeingLoseNoticedSomethingUnnoticedWant
I try to pace myself and not work for the sake of working and stick to what inspired me prior to receiving recognition. ADRIEN BRODY InspireMyselfPacePriorReceivingRecognitionSakeStickTryingWorkWorking
People think fame and money will bring you happiness. ADRIEN BRODY BringComplicatedFameHappinessMoneyPeopleThinkThinking
They might mean well by it, but we are conditioned to be afraid of things. ADRIEN BRODY AfraidConditionedMeanThingWell
I think part of what makes movies special is that it is a relatively intimate environment and it’s pretty short-lived. ADRIEN BRODY EnvironmentIntimateLivedMoviePartRelativelyShortSpecial
It’s great when people appreciate your work, but I don’t know how seriously to take it. ADRIEN BRODY AppreciateGreatPeopleSeriouslySupportWork
It’s interesting because you feel on the one hand, we understand people from what the say, and in another sense. ADRIEN BRODY FeelHandInterestingPeopleSenseThinkingUnderstand
And the level of intense tragedy that so many people have experienced in this world, ADRIEN BRODY ExperiencedIntenseLevelPeopleTragedyWorld
Something that I’ve always loved and appreciated is the chance to see something about someone’s character. ADRIEN BRODY AppreciatedChanceCharacterSomeoneSomething
A little bit of attention and kindness can totally change a whole life, and a lack of that can do the same. ADRIEN BRODY AttentionChangeKindnessLackLifeLittleSameTotallyWhole
It’s been very helpful for my career, but I’m trying to stay on the path I was on before. ADRIEN BRODY BeforeCareerHelpfulPathStayTrying
My dad told me, ‘It takes fifteen years to be an overnight success’, and it took me seventeen and a half years. ADRIEN BRODY DadFifteenHalfOvernightSeventeenSuccessToldYearYears
So there’s more competition, so you have to work harder and be right for it. ADRIEN BRODY CompetitionHarderRightWork
The problem is when you become so well known that everyone is watching you and you don’t have an opportunity to observe. ADRIEN BRODY CharacterEveryoneFeelingKnownObserveOpportunityProblemWatchingWell
Part of what attracted me to the village was it had a lot of parallels to contemporary issues. ADRIEN BRODY AttractedContemporaryIssueMeanParallelPartVillage
You meet a pretty girl, you’re different from when you meet a tough kid on the street. ADRIEN BRODY DifferentGirlKidMeetPrettyStreetTough
We were all kind of thrown into the woods and we didn’t have any of the modern conveniences that we take for granted. ADRIEN BRODY ConvenienceGrantedKindModernThrownWood
So that isn’t the concern. You have to do what you can do, and share what you feel is appropriate to share in the moment. ADRIEN BRODY AppropriateConcernFeelMomentShare
The normal routine is always the same thing whether it’s on a new movie or a new job ADRIEN BRODY AlwaysJobMovieNewNormalRoutineSpecialThinking
If I have a lack of dedication or focus, it’s permanently there as a negative reminder. ADRIEN BRODY DedicationFocusLackNegativePermanentlyReminder