It will alter the way you hear poetry forever. And not in a good way. ADRIAN MATEJKA AfterForeverGoodHearPoetryWay
This poem began as an emulation of Siqueiros’s compositional style and, in the process, became an ekphrastic aubade about my old neighborhood. ADRIAN MATEJKA BeganCompositionalEmulationNeighbourhoodOldPoemProcessSiqueiros
So while I loved not being hungry and having new gear, etc. I missed the sounds of my neighbors and the kind of generosity people who are struggling together often show. ADRIAN MATEJKA GenerosityHungryLovedMIssedNeighbourShowSoundStrugglingTogether
Echo of a Scream (1937).’ I got spun out by the way he creates tension and movement through the interlocking details in the painting. ADRIAN MATEJKA CreatesDetailEchoInterlockingPaintingScreamSpunTension
Bigotry doesn’t care about state or regional lines. It’s all over the place. ADRIAN MATEJKA BalanceBigotryLineOverPerceptionPlaceRegionalStateThinking