If we depart form tradition, it is out of knowledge, not innocence. ADOLPH GOTTLIEB DepartFormInnocenceTraditionWe
My favorite symbols were those which I didn’t understand. ADOLPH GOTTLIEB FavoriteSymbolThoseUnderstand
It seems tome they are more concerned that we should go back, than about nature. ADOLPH GOTTLIEB BackConcernedMoreNatureSeemTome
I never abstract from nature; I never consciously think of nature when I paint. ADOLPH GOTTLIEB AbstractConsciouslyNaturePaintThink
In times of violence, personal predilections for niceties of colour and form seem irrelevant. ADOLPH GOTTLIEB ColourExpressionFormIrrelevantNicetiesPersonalPowerfulPredilectionTimeViolence
I use color in terms of emotional quality, as a vehicle for feeling… ADOLPH GOTTLIEB ColorEmotionalFeeling. QualityTermVehicle
All primitive expression (like the myths) reveals the constant awareness of powerful forces, ADOLPH GOTTLIEB AwarenessConstantExpressionForceMythPowerfulPrimitiveReveal
Feeling is everything I have experienced or thought. ADOLPH GOTTLIEB EverythingExperiencedFeelingThought
I want to express the utmost intensity of the color, bring out the quality, make it expressive. ADOLPH GOTTLIEB ColorExperienceExpressIntensityQualityUtmostWant
Certain people always say we should go back to nature.I notice they never say we should go forward to nature. ADOLPH GOTTLIEB AlwaysBackCertainNaturePeopleShould