The ‘Mythbusters’ crew, we monitor the Discovery boards, we look for the new ideas that are being forwarded on those boards, and we keep track of what’s going on, we keep updated.
it was actually mummified, skin and all – but in a fit of space-saving zeal, they actually cut off the head and they cut off the feet and they burned the rest in a bonfire.
I am incrementally a pessimist, but I see the international debate that Edward Snowden has engendered, and I think this is exactly where the discussion should be. So, I would say I’m more optimistic than pessimistic.
The main trend with the theme episodes is that anywhere there is a misconception about the way the physical world works, we’re finding fertile material.
We’re always trying to make the process apparent. So, we have learned to try and never rely on a technological solution when an analogue one is in front of us.