Unlike dragons, I love spicy salsa. In fact, the spicier the better. ADAM RUBIN BetterCountryDragonSalsaSimpleSpicerSpicyUnlike
I like crunchy, Tex-Mex, cheese-slathered too, but I prefer to keep it simple. ADAM RUBIN CheeseCountryCrunchyKeepMexPreferSimpleSlatheredTex
For me, the ideal taco toppings are chopped onion, some cilantro and a bit of lime juice. ADAM RUBIN ChoppedCilantroIdealJuiceLimeOnionTacoTopping
So they tend to be better at using their imaginations than adults. ADAM RUBIN AdultBetterImaginationTendUsing
I think it would be great if more adults were able to maintain that joyful creativity that we all experience as children. ADAM RUBIN ChildrenCreativityExperienceJoyfulMaintainThinking