Written with courage and passion, this is a book whose often counterintuitive clarity shakes entombed assumptions like an earthquake. ADAM GARFINKLE AssumptionBookClarityCounterintuitiveCourageEarthquakePassionShake
Whether you end up convinced or not, you will never think about American national security the same way ever again. ADAM GARFINKLE AgainConvincedCountryEndEverNationalneverSameSecurityThink
The Sovereignty Solution works on the receptive mind as a pry bar works on a tightly sealed box. ADAM GARFINKLE MindPrayReceptiveSealedSolutionSovereigntyTightlyWork
Like an unexpected wet mop in the face of tired complacency, ADAM GARFINKLE BookComplacencyPassionTiredUnexpected
What interests us about the past is at least partly a function of what bothers us or makes us curious in the present. ADAM GARFINKLE BotherCuriousHistoryInterestLeastMakePartlyPastPresent