If I’m not pointing people to Jesus then I’m wasting my life. AARON GILLESPIE JesusLifePeoplePointWaste
God never does anything according to what you want. It’s never your will. It’s His will. AARON GILLESPIE BlessingDoeGodShowerTrustWantWil
I just want to make music that glorifies the Lord and continue to see revival happen all over the world and to see people meet Jesus. That’s it. AARON GILLESPIE GlorifyHappenJesusMusicPeopleRevivalWorld
Be more interested in people’s character, than their contributions. AARON GILLESPIE CharacterContributionInterestedPeopleRespect
I think people associate genre and music style with creativity, but it’s all creativity regardless of what pipeline it comes down. AARON GILLESPIE AssociateCreativityMusicPeopleRegardThinking