Vain hopes are like certain dreams of those who wake.
QUINTILIANIt is the heart which inspires eloquence.
More Quintilian Quotes
We should not speak so that it is possible for the audience to understand us, but so that it is impossible for them to misunderstand us.
We must form our minds by reading deep rather than wide.
Nothing can be pleasing which is not also becoming.
When we cannot hope to win, it is an advantage to yield.
As regards parents, I should like to see them as highly educated as possible, and I do not restrict this remark to fathers alone.
A man who tries to surpass another may perhaps succeed in equaling in not actually surpassing him, but one who merely follows can never quite come up with him: a follower, necessarily, is always behind.
Where evil habits are once settled, they are more easily broken than mended.
It is worth while too to warn the teacher that undue severity in correcting faults is liable at times to discourage a boy’s mind from effort.
To swear, except when necessary, is becoming to an honorable man.
While we are examining into everything we sometimes find truth where we least expected it.
The obscurity of a writer is generally in proportion to his incapacity.
(Slaughter) means blood and iron.
Give bread to a stranger, in the name of the universal brotherhood which binds together all men under the common father of nature.
That which offends the ear will not easily gain admission to the mind.
God, that all-powerful Creator of nature and architect of the world, has impressed man with no character so proper to distinguish him from other animals, as by the faculty of speech.