Let us never adopt the maxim, Rather lose our friend than our jest.
QUINTILIANWhere evil habits are once settled, they are more easily broken than mended.
More Quintilian Quotes
One thing, however, I must premise, that without the assistance of natural capacity, rules and precepts are of no efficacy.
God, that all-powerful Creator of nature and architect of the world, has impressed man with no character so proper to distinguish him from other animals, as by the faculty of speech.
Consequently the student who is devoid of talent will derive no more profit from this work than barren soil from a treatise on agriculture.
Where evil habits are once settled, they are more easily broken than mended.
As regards parents, I should like to see them as highly educated as possible, and I do not restrict this remark to fathers alone.
Suffering itself does less afflict the senses than the apprehension of suffering.
For comic writers charge Socrates with making the worse appear the better reason.
The gifts of nature are infinite in their variety, and mind differs from mind almost as much as body from body.
For it would have been better that man should have been born dumb, nay, void of all reason, rather than that he should employ the gifts of Providence to the destruction of his neighbor.
One should aim not at being possible to understand, but at being impossible to misunderstand.
Too exact, and studious of similitude rather than of beauty.
While we are examining into everything we sometimes find truth where we least expected it.
He who speaks evil only differs from his who does evil in that he lacks opportunity.
A man who tries to surpass another may perhaps succeed in equaling in not actually surpassing him, but one who merely follows can never quite come up with him: a follower, necessarily, is always behind.
It is the heart which inspires eloquence.