Ambition is a vice, but it may be the father of virtue.
QUINTILIANThe soul languishing in obscurity contracts a kind of rust, or abandons itself to the chimera of presumption; for it is natural for it to acquire something, even when separated from any one.
More Quintilian Quotes
The mind is exercised by the variety and multiplicity of the subject matter, while the character is moulded by the contemplation of virtue and vice.
If you direct your whole thought to work itself, none of the things which invade eyes or ears will reach the mind.
It is much easier to try one’s hand at many things than to concentrate one’s powers on one thing.
From writing rapidly it does not result that one writes well, but from writing well it results that one writes rapidly.
For all the best teachers pride themselves on having a large number of pupils and think themselves worthy of a bigger audience.
Men of quality are in the wrong to undervalue, as they often do, the practise of a fair and quick hand in writing; for it is no immaterial accomplishment.
A Woman who is generous with her money is to be praised; not so, if she is generous with her person.
Sayings designed to raise a laugh are generally untrue and never complimentary. Laughter is never far removed from derision.
Verse satire indeed is entirely our own.
The perfection of art is to conceal art.
Consequently the student who is devoid of talent will derive no more profit from this work than barren soil from a treatise on agriculture.
Whilst we deliberate how to begin a thing, it grows too late to begin it.
While we are making up our minds as to when we shall begin. The opportunity is lost.
When defeat is inevitable, it is wisest to yield.
Nature herself has never attempted to effect great changes rapidly.