Medicine for the dead is too late.
QUINTILIANThe pretended admission of a fault on our part creates an excellent impression.
More Quintilian Quotes
In a crowd, on a journey, at a banquet even, a line of thought can itself provide its own seclusion.
There is no one who would not rather appear to know than to be taught.
Our minds are like our stomaches; they are whetted by the change of their food, and variety supplies both with fresh appetite.
The prosperous can not easily form a right idea of misery.
Those who wish to appear learned to fools, appear as fools to the learned.
As regards parents, I should like to see them as highly educated as possible, and I do not restrict this remark to fathers alone.
When defeat is inevitable, it is wisest to yield.
It is much easier to try one’s hand at many things than to concentrate one’s powers on one thing.
A man who tries to surpass another may perhaps succeed in equaling in not actually surpassing him, but one who merely follows can never quite come up with him: a follower, necessarily, is always behind.
One thing, however, I must premise, that without the assistance of natural capacity, rules and precepts are of no efficacy.
It is worth while too to warn the teacher that undue severity in correcting faults is liable at times to discourage a boy’s mind from effort.
When we cannot hope to win, it is an advantage to yield.
An evil-speaker differs from an evil-doer only in the want of opportunity.
Those who wish to appear wise among fools, among the wise seem foolish.
If you direct your whole thought to work itself, none of the things which invade eyes or ears will reach the mind.