A mediocre speech supported by all the power of delivery will be more impressive than the best speech unaccompanied by such power.
QUINTILIANGod, that all-powerful Creator of nature and architect of the world, has impressed man with no character so proper to distinguish him from other animals, as by the faculty of speech.
More Quintilian Quotes
Our minds are like our stomaches; they are whetted by the change of their food, and variety supplies both with fresh appetite.
There is no one who would not rather appear to know than to be taught.
Consequently the student who is devoid of talent will derive no more profit from this work than barren soil from a treatise on agriculture.
Although virtue receives some of its excellencies from nature, yet it is perfected by education.
To swear, except when necessary, is becoming to an honorable man.
If you direct your whole thought to work itself, none of the things which invade eyes or ears will reach the mind.
Satiety is a neighbor to continued pleasures.
For all the best teachers pride themselves on having a large number of pupils and think themselves worthy of a bigger audience.
It is easier to do many things than to do one thing continuously for a long time.
The learned understand the reason of art; the unlearned feel the pleasure.
The pretended admission of a fault on our part creates an excellent impression.
In a crowd, on a journey, at a banquet even, a line of thought can itself provide its own seclusion.
Where evil habits are once settled, they are more easily broken than mended.
The soul languishing in obscurity contracts a kind of rust, or abandons itself to the chimera of presumption; for it is natural for it to acquire something, even when separated from any one.
Vain hopes are like certain dreams of those who wake.