Give bread to a stranger, in the name of the universal brotherhood which binds together all men under the common father of nature.
QUINTILIANA liar should have a good memory.
More Quintilian Quotes
While we ponder when to begin, it becomes too late to do.
Sayings designed to raise a laugh are generally untrue and never complimentary. Laughter is never far removed from derision.
Virtue, though she gets her beginning from nature, yet receives her finishing touches from learning.
The soul languishing in obscurity contracts a kind of rust, or abandons itself to the chimera of presumption; for it is natural for it to acquire something, even when separated from any one.
Though ambition may be a fault in itself, it is often the mother of virtues.
Whilst we deliberate how to begin a thing, it grows too late to begin it.
For all the best teachers pride themselves on having a large number of pupils and think themselves worthy of a bigger audience.
Vain hopes are like certain dreams of those who wake.
It is the nurse that the child first hears, and her words that he will first attempt to imitate.
Verse satire indeed is entirely our own.
For it would have been better that man should have been born dumb, nay, void of all reason, rather than that he should employ the gifts of Providence to the destruction of his neighbor.
Those who wish to appear wise among fools, among the wise seem foolish.
For comic writers charge Socrates with making the worse appear the better reason.
Everything that has a beginning comes to an end.
Study depends on the goodwill of the student, a quality that cannot be secured by compulsion.