Who has a store tends to it. If not, they sell it.
More Mexican Proverbs
One is none.
One finds what one looks for.
They tried to bury us, they didn’t know we were seeds.
Better alone than poorly accompanied.
A dog that does not go out does not find the bone.
Without corn, there is no country.
Actions speak louder than words.
The fishing’s good in stormy waters.
It’s not enough to lay an egg. You have to crow about it.
He who lives with hope, dies happy.
A golden cage is still a cage.
A cat with gloves doesn’t catch mice.
Poor musicians blame their instruments.
Monday even the hens don’t lay eggs.
The brave one lives as long as the coward lets him.
Everyone looks for their own onion to cry.
The throat must pay for what the tongue must say.
Who has a store tends to it. If not, they sell it.
The dead to the grave, the living to pleasure.
A dog that barks does not bite.
To want to is to be able to.
There’s no deaf man worse than the man who doesn’t want to listen.
The most desirable woman is always the one who belongs to someone else.
Small is beautiful.
We are as small as our joy and as big as our pain.
Money is a good servant. But an evil master.
Better late than never.
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