When the cat has gone away, the mice prevail.
More Swahili Proverbs
The route of a liar is short.
Wait at the bottom, for the one who is up.
Haste does not result in prosperity.
A fly does not mind dying in coconut cream.
The remedy for fire is fire.
A letter from the heart can be read on the face.
If the hours are long enough and the pay is short enough, someone will say it’s women’s work.
A drowning person does not stop thrashing around.
Don’t provoke bees.
Habit is a skin.
Don’t insult midwives as long as you are still able to give birth.
Donating is only a matter of willingness and not wealth.
Unity is strength, disunity is weakness.
Patience attracts success.
Abuses are the result of seeing one another too often.
A person is people.
Where there is a will, there is a way.
How come that the pepper which you are not eating is too hot for you?
How come that the pepper which you are not eating is too hot for you?
The child of a snake is a snake.
Haste has no blessing.
Education has no ending.
When the cat has gone away, the mice prevail.
Bribery is the enemy of justice.
Death is blind.
Aiming isn’t hitting.
A remote stick does not kill a snake.
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