When some people find themselves with a little extra cash, they spend it on things that they don’t even need.
More Jamaican Proverbs
- There is a fire blowing at the tail of the mouse, but he believes he is feeling the effects of a cooling breeze.
- If you spit in the sky, it falls into your eye.
- Young John crows are white when hatched, but do not remain white.
- Do not rush into a marriage, or any intimate relationship, but wait until the time is right.
- People tend to point out the faults in others than their own.
- Every day’s fishing day, but not every day’s a day to catch fish.
- It is not for the want of fat that the nightingale’s legs stand so.
- The Hungry belly and the full belly do not walk the same road.
- There’s someone out there for everyone.
- John crow never thinks of making his house until it rains.
- A penny-halfpenny (1 1/2d) buys trouble, one hundred pounds ( £100 ) cannot pay for it.
- One hand washes the other.
- When a man’s belly is filled, he breaks the pot.
- Not everyone goes to church for the same reason, some just go to gossip.
- Always choose the first opportunity.
- One pound of fretting, cannot repay one ounce of debts.
- If you cannot catch Quaku (Harry), catch his shirt
- Self praise is no recommendation.
- The dog does not howl if he has a bone.
- What the goat does, the kid follows.
- A thick blanket causes a man to sleep late.
- Sleep has no master.
- Deal with important matters first.
- He who wants it desperately cannot get it; he who get it easily does not want it or appreciate it.
- The mug is not broken, therefore the coffee is not thrown away (or wasted).
- Make the best of a bad situation, and be content with what you have.
- You cannot sit on the back of the cow and curse the skin of the cow.