
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - Mothers-in-law are fine so long as they are deaf and blind. Mothers-in-law are fine so long as they are deaf and blind.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - What soap is to the body, laughter is to the soul. What soap is to the body, laughter is to the soul.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - Some people are electrifying; they light up a room when they leave. Some people are electrifying; they light up a room when they leave.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - Confidence is half of victory. Confidence is half of victory.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - When you have left a country, you have left everyone. When you have left a country, you have left everyone.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - Let it be worse, so long as it’s a change. Let it be worse, so long as it’s a change.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - Better to hear curses than to be pitied. Better to hear curses than to be pitied.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - The soldiers fight, and the kings are heroes. The soldiers fight, and the kings are heroes.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - The best horse needs a whip, intelligent men need advice, and devout women need a man. The best horse needs a whip, intelligent men need advice, and devout women need a man.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - Better a thief for a neighbor than an overzealous rabbi. Better a thief for a neighbor than an overzealous rabbi.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - When luck joins in the game, cleverness scores double. When luck joins in the game, cleverness scores double.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - It’s good to hope, it’s the waiting that spoils it. It’s good to hope, it’s the waiting that spoils it.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - You do not fall because you are weak; you fall because you think you are strong. You do not fall because you are weak; you fall because you think you are strong.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - What soap is for the body, tears are for the soul. What soap is for the body, tears are for the soul.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - The rich man who is stingy is the worst pauper. The rich man who is stingy is the worst pauper.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - Who dances at the wedding, weeps at the funeral. Who dances at the wedding, weeps at the funeral.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - Too humble is half proud. Too humble is half proud.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - If you want to know what God thinks of money, look at the people he gives it to. If you want to know what God thinks of money, look at the people he gives it to.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - Better a steady dime than a rare dollar. Better a steady dime than a rare dollar.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - Better to die upright than to live on your knees. Better to die upright than to live on your knees.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - When the time comes for you to live, there aren’t enough years. When the time comes for you to live, there aren’t enough years.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - With money in your pocket, you are wise, handsome and you sing well too. With money in your pocket, you are wise, handsome and you sing well too.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - To be rich is not everything, but it certainly helps. To be rich is not everything, but it certainly helps.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - When a thief kisses you, count your teeth. When a thief kisses you, count your teeth.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - You can make the dream bigger than the night. You can make the dream bigger than the night.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - Better an ounce of luck than a pound of gold. Better an ounce of luck than a pound of gold.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - In life, each of us must sometimes play the fool. In life, each of us must sometimes play the fool.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - She who wants to marry her stepfather regrets it in bed. She who wants to marry her stepfather regrets it in bed.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - He who is aware of his folly is wise. He who is aware of his folly is wise.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - When the ox just stumbles, they all sharpen their knives. When the ox just stumbles, they all sharpen their knives.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - The wolf is not afraid of the dog, but he doesn’t like the sound of his barking. The wolf is not afraid of the dog, but he doesn’t like the sound of his barking.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - Provide for the worst; the best can take care of itself. Provide for the worst; the best can take care of itself.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - You can wash your body but not your soul. You can wash your body but not your soul.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - You can’t measure the whole world with your own yardstick. You can’t measure the whole world with your own yardstick.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - Better an honest slap in the face than an insincere kiss. Better an honest slap in the face than an insincere kiss.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - Prayers go up and blessings come down. Prayers go up and blessings come down.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - Many complain of their looks, but none of their brains. Many complain of their looks, but none of their brains.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - The heart of a man may be compared to a sausage; no one can tell exactly what’s inside. The heart of a man may be compared to a sausage; no one can tell exactly what’s inside.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - You buy yourself an enemy when you lend a man money. You buy yourself an enemy when you lend a man money.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - Weeping makes the heart grow lighter. Weeping makes the heart grow lighter.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - Once it was the parents who taught their children to talk; now the children teach their parents to keep quiet. Once it was the parents who taught their children to talk; now the children teach their parents to keep quiet.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - Words should be weighed, not counted. Words should be weighed, not counted.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - If we cannot do what we will, we must will what we can. If we cannot do what we will, we must will what we can.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - You find everything when you are spring cleaning. You find everything when you are spring cleaning.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - God created a world full of little worlds. God created a world full of little worlds.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - Better ten times ill than one time dead. Better ten times ill than one time dead.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - Better ruined ten times than dead once. Better ruined ten times than dead once.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - Someone who can hold on to his money is worth more than the one who earns it. Someone who can hold on to his money is worth more than the one who earns it.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - Before you start up a ladder, count the rungs. Before you start up a ladder, count the rungs.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - When God wants to punish an idiot, He teaches them a few words of Hebrew. When God wants to punish an idiot, He teaches them a few words of Hebrew.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - You are ushered in according to your dress; shown out according to your brains. You are ushered in according to your dress; shown out according to your brains.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - You cannot hold your head high with your hand out. You cannot hold your head high with your hand out.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - The nearer to the synagogue, the farther from God. The nearer to the synagogue, the farther from God.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - By day they’re ready to divorce, by night they’re ready for bed. By day they’re ready to divorce, by night they’re ready for bed.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - The heaviest burden is an empty pocket. The heaviest burden is an empty pocket.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - Not all nice things are dear, but those that are dear are nice. Not all nice things are dear, but those that are dear are nice.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - Nothing tastes bitterer than the truth. Nothing tastes bitterer than the truth.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - If you’re healthy, you’re wealthy. If you’re healthy, you’re wealthy.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - Who talks a lot, talks about himself. Who talks a lot, talks about himself.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - You can’t make cheesecakes out of snow. You can’t make cheesecakes out of snow.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - With time even a bear can learn to dance. With time even a bear can learn to dance.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - Better a Jew without a beard than a beard without a Jew. Better a Jew without a beard than a beard without a Jew.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - The pen wounds deeper than an arrow. The pen wounds deeper than an arrow.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - To every answer you can find a new question. To every answer you can find a new question.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - From success to failure is one step; from failure to success is a long road. From success to failure is one step; from failure to success is a long road.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - One old friend is better than two new ones. One old friend is better than two new ones.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - Men would not be richer for being miserly; generosity does not make a man poorer. Men would not be richer for being miserly; generosity does not make a man poorer.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - The rabbi drinks the wine and asks the others to be happy. The rabbi drinks the wine and asks the others to be happy.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - Give me, Lord, my daily bread, I will get my own brandy. Give me, Lord, my daily bread, I will get my own brandy.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - Beware of still water, a still dog, and a still enemy. Beware of still water, a still dog, and a still enemy.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - Everyone is kneaded out of the same dough but not baked in the same oven. Everyone is kneaded out of the same dough but not baked in the same oven.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - Make new friends, but don’t forget the old ones. Make new friends, but don’t forget the old ones.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - You can throw a cat whoever you want; it always falls on its feet. You can throw a cat whoever you want; it always falls on its feet.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - When both parties are right, it’s a bad day for “right.” When both parties are right, it’s a bad day for “right.”
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - Small children won’t let you sleep, bigger children won’t let you live. Small children won’t let you sleep, bigger children won’t let you live.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - What you don’t see with your eyes, don’t invent with your mouth. What you don’t see with your eyes, don’t invent with your mouth.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - Old age, to the unlearned, is winter; to the learned, it’s harvest time. Old age, to the unlearned, is winter; to the learned, it’s harvest time.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - Lost years are worse than lost dollars. Lost years are worse than lost dollars.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - When Dame Fortune calls, offer her a chair. When Dame Fortune calls, offer her a chair.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - What can you do with a good cow that gives a lot of milk and then kicks the bucket over What can you do with a good cow that gives a lot of milk and then kicks the bucket over
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - When one comes to comfort a young widow, he does not mean to perform a good deed. When one comes to comfort a young widow, he does not mean to perform a good deed.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - The cold strengthens you more than hunger. The cold strengthens you more than hunger.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - If it must always be better, it can never be good enough. If it must always be better, it can never be good enough.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - If things are not as you wish, wish them as they are. If things are not as you wish, wish them as they are.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - Money buys everything but good sense. Money buys everything but good sense.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - Who wins first, loses last. Who wins first, loses last.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - Hope for miracles, but don’t rely on one. Hope for miracles, but don’t rely on one.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - Better the best of the worst than the worst of the best. Better the best of the worst than the worst of the best.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - You can’t put thank you in your pocket. You can’t put thank you in your pocket.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - The truly rich are those who enjoy what they have. The truly rich are those who enjoy what they have.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - You reproach your daughter, but you mean your daughter-in-law. You reproach your daughter, but you mean your daughter-in-law.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - Don’t be scared when you have no other choice. Don’t be scared when you have no other choice.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - Women can keep only one secret – their own. Women can keep only one secret – their own.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - Better ask ten times than go astray once. Better ask ten times than go astray once.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - Time is the best doctor. Time is the best doctor.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - The longer the blind live, the more they see. The longer the blind live, the more they see.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - Experience is what we call the accumulation of our mistakes. Experience is what we call the accumulation of our mistakes.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - The doctor has a remedy for everything but poverty. The doctor has a remedy for everything but poverty.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - You never lose a false coin. You never lose a false coin.
  • Yiddish Proverb Quote - Walk straight and you will not fall. Walk straight and you will not fall.