
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - He who sleeps does not sin. He who sleeps does not sin.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - The liar will only be trusted once. The liar will only be trusted once.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Do not throw the baby out with the bathwater. Do not throw the baby out with the bathwater.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Do not cross the brook for water. Do not cross the brook for water.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - To lazy pigs the ground is always frozen. To lazy pigs the ground is always frozen.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - The closer to the source, the clearer the water. The closer to the source, the clearer the water.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - One cannot both eat one’s cookie and keep it. One cannot both eat one’s cookie and keep it.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - It is easy to cut broad strips off other people’s leather. It is easy to cut broad strips off other people’s leather.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Morning hour has gold in its mouth. Morning hour has gold in its mouth.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Don’t buy the pig in the bag. Don’t buy the pig in the bag.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - New brooms sweep the best. New brooms sweep the best.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Rather an honest ‘no’ than an insincere ‘yes’. Rather an honest ‘no’ than an insincere ‘yes’.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Away is good but home is best. Away is good but home is best.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - It is darkest before dawn. It is darkest before dawn.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - When a blind man carries the lame man, both go forward. When a blind man carries the lame man, both go forward.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Old is oldest. Old is oldest.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Butterflies forget that they were once caterpillars. Butterflies forget that they were once caterpillars.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Best to learn from other people’s injury. Best to learn from other people’s injury.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Forbidden road is often heavily worn. Forbidden road is often heavily worn.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Opportunity makes the thief. Opportunity makes the thief.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - A journey of a thousand miles always begins with a single step. A journey of a thousand miles always begins with a single step.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - The way the devil reads the bible. The way the devil reads the bible.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Weeds last the season. Weeds last the season.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - As you shout you get will be answered. As you shout you get will be answered.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Such father, such son. Such father, such son.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Sin punishes itself. Sin punishes itself.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Better to be a poor woman than the slave of the rich. Better to be a poor woman than the slave of the rich.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Don’t celebrate until you have crossed the creek. Don’t celebrate until you have crossed the creek.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - As the master sleeps, the servant dreams. As the master sleeps, the servant dreams.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Money cannot buy happiness. Money cannot buy happiness.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow. Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - An ounce of lying saves tons of explanations. An ounce of lying saves tons of explanations.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Better listen to a broken string than never having bent a bow. Better listen to a broken string than never having bent a bow.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Devils have more than twelve apostles. Devils have more than twelve apostles.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - From children, drunkards and madmen you get to hear the truth. From children, drunkards and madmen you get to hear the truth.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Don’t shoot yourself in the foot. Don’t shoot yourself in the foot.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - That day, that sorrow. That day, that sorrow.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - A good man manages on his own. A good man manages on his own.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Warned is armed. Warned is armed.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - The smith’s horse and the shoemakers children are worst shod. The smith’s horse and the shoemakers children are worst shod.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Each person is the forger of his own happiness. Each person is the forger of his own happiness.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Don’t think about the pig until it’s in the poke. Don’t think about the pig until it’s in the poke.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - No one is a prophet in one’s own homeland. No one is a prophet in one’s own homeland.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - To err is human; to forgive, divine. To err is human; to forgive, divine.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Constant sunshine makes a desert. Constant sunshine makes a desert.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - As old people sing, young people tweet. As old people sing, young people tweet.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - There must be some moderation. There must be some moderation.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Each thing has its time. Each thing has its time.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - What starts with a needle usually ends with a silver bowl. What starts with a needle usually ends with a silver bowl.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - When the devil grows old he turns religious. When the devil grows old he turns religious.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - He who whispers lies. He who whispers lies.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Give a servant a proper meal and the cow will give more milk and the cat will drink less. Give a servant a proper meal and the cow will give more milk and the cat will drink less.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Self is the best farmhand. Self is the best farmhand.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Lend to God and the earth – they both pay good interest. Lend to God and the earth – they both pay good interest.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Practice gives skill. Practice gives skill.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Envy never rests. Envy never rests.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - What is unclearly said is unclearly thought. What is unclearly said is unclearly thought.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Alone is strong. Alone is strong.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Every cloud has a silver lining. Every cloud has a silver lining.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Hunger is the best flavouring. Hunger is the best flavouring.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - It is never too late. It is never too late.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Old love never rusts. Old love never rusts.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Better breadless than clueless. Better breadless than clueless.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - No one is indispensable. No one is indispensable.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - What you lose at the swings you take back at the merry-go-round. What you lose at the swings you take back at the merry-go-round.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - What is hidden in snow is revealed at thaw. What is hidden in snow is revealed at thaw.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - To separate is to die a little. To separate is to die a little.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Sweep first before your own door, before you sweep the doorsteps of your neighbors. Sweep first before your own door, before you sweep the doorsteps of your neighbors.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Whichever way you turn you have your end in the back. Whichever way you turn you have your end in the back.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - He who waits for something good never waits too long. He who waits for something good never waits too long.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Health is quietly keeping silent . Health is quietly keeping silent .
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Close does not shoot any hares. Close does not shoot any hares.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - It is better to free someone guilty than to convict someone innocent. It is better to free someone guilty than to convict someone innocent.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Clothing makes the man. Clothing makes the man.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Best to be without oaths. Best to be without oaths.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - The death of one, the bread of the other. The death of one, the bread of the other.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Don’t put stones on a burden. Don’t put stones on a burden.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - It is not one person’s fault if two people quarrel. It is not one person’s fault if two people quarrel.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - If you say ‘A’ you have to say ‘B’. If you say ‘A’ you have to say ‘B’.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Taste is like the buttocks, divided. Taste is like the buttocks, divided.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - The stomach gets full before the eye. The stomach gets full before the eye.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - No party without shattering. No party without shattering.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - God gives every bird his worm, but he does not throw it into the nest. God gives every bird his worm, but he does not throw it into the nest.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - One time, no time – two times, a habit. One time, no time – two times, a habit.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Burnt child shuns fire. Burnt child shuns fire.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - The later in the evening, the more beautiful the people. The later in the evening, the more beautiful the people.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Small pots have ears too. Small pots have ears too.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - He who lives shall see. He who lives shall see.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - A place for each thing and each thing in its place A place for each thing and each thing in its place
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Tis better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. Tis better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - What one’s head lacks one has to have in one’s legs. What one’s head lacks one has to have in one’s legs.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - A poor craftsman blames his tools. A poor craftsman blames his tools.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Poor memory is better than bad memories. Poor memory is better than bad memories.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - It is fairer to listen to the string that broke than to never strain a bow. It is fairer to listen to the string that broke than to never strain a bow.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Choose your bedfellows by day. Choose your bedfellows by day.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Revenge is sweet. Revenge is sweet.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Even a blind hen can find a grain. Even a blind hen can find a grain.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - The grass is always greener on the other side. The grass is always greener on the other side.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - A rolling stone gathers no moss. A rolling stone gathers no moss.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - If you are among the roses, your friends will look for you among the thorns. If you are among the roses, your friends will look for you among the thorns.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Laid card lies. Laid card lies.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Hope is the last thing to leave a human being. Hope is the last thing to leave a human being.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Ingratitude is the world’s reward. Ingratitude is the world’s reward.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - One learns from mistakes. One learns from mistakes.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Where there is modesty there is virtue. Where there is modesty there is virtue.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - The drunken man’s words is the sober man’s thoughts. The drunken man’s words is the sober man’s thoughts.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Insight is more valuable than gold. Insight is more valuable than gold.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - The strongest among the disabled is the one who never forgets his disability. The strongest among the disabled is the one who never forgets his disability.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Don’t light a fire for the crows. Don’t light a fire for the crows.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - A piece of bread in your pocket is better than a feather in your hat. A piece of bread in your pocket is better than a feather in your hat.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Much wants more. Much wants more.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - You should not judge a dog by its fur. You should not judge a dog by its fur.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Everyone knows the monkey, but the monkey knows no one. Everyone knows the monkey, but the monkey knows no one.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - You can’t teach old dogs to sit. You can’t teach old dogs to sit.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Two wrongs do not make a right. Two wrongs do not make a right.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - No trees grow to the sky. No trees grow to the sky.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Shared joy is a double joy; shared sorrow is half a sorrow. Shared joy is a double joy; shared sorrow is half a sorrow.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Reality surpasses the poem. Reality surpasses the poem.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - If it tastes good it is expensive. If it tastes good it is expensive.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Happiness comes happiness leaves. Happiness comes happiness leaves.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - He who always knows best never learns. He who always knows best never learns.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Who sits on your shoulders will try to climb on your head. Who sits on your shoulders will try to climb on your head.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Even a fool when he holdeth his peace is counted wise. Even a fool when he holdeth his peace is counted wise.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - A lazy thief is better than a lazy servant. A lazy thief is better than a lazy servant.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Speak with farmers like farmers speak, and with the educated in latin. Speak with farmers like farmers speak, and with the educated in latin.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Stinginess deceives wisdom. Stinginess deceives wisdom.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Politicians are like crocodiles – big jaws but no ears. Politicians are like crocodiles – big jaws but no ears.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - A chain is no stronger than its weakest link. A chain is no stronger than its weakest link.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - The young should be taught, the old should be honored. The young should be taught, the old should be honored.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - You should forge while the iron is hot. You should forge while the iron is hot.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Appearances deceive. Appearances deceive.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Money does not grow on trees. Money does not grow on trees.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - The most important thing is not to win, but to fight well. The most important thing is not to win, but to fight well.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Don’t let grass grow on your feet. Don’t let grass grow on your feet.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Easier said than done. Easier said than done.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - The afternoon knows what the morning never suspected. The afternoon knows what the morning never suspected.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - We all start out as children. We all start out as children.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - All is fair in love and war. All is fair in love and war.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Advice should be viewed from behind. Advice should be viewed from behind.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - The master has long arms, but they don’t reach heaven. The master has long arms, but they don’t reach heaven.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Empty barrels are noisiest. Empty barrels are noisiest.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Don’t sell the fur until the bear has been shot. Don’t sell the fur until the bear has been shot.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - A peacock has too little in its head and too much in its tail. A peacock has too little in its head and too much in its tail.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - The exception confirms the rule. The exception confirms the rule.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Cookie searches for a wife. Cookie searches for a wife.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Children do as you do, not as you say. Children do as you do, not as you say.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Joy and sorrow are next door neighbors. Joy and sorrow are next door neighbors.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - The more chefs, the worse the soup. The more chefs, the worse the soup.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Don’t cross the stream to find water. Don’t cross the stream to find water.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - He laughs best who laughs last. He laughs best who laughs last.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Money opens all gates but heaven’s. Money opens all gates but heaven’s.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Midsummer night is not long but it sets many cradles rocking. Midsummer night is not long but it sets many cradles rocking.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Don’t set about mountains when there are pebbles. Don’t set about mountains when there are pebbles.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - To dare is to lose your foothold for a moment, to not dare is to lose yourself. To dare is to lose your foothold for a moment, to not dare is to lose yourself.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - To speak is silver, to keep silent is gold. To speak is silver, to keep silent is gold.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - One learns as long as one lives. One learns as long as one lives.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Easily caught, easily lost. Easily caught, easily lost.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Where wine enters sense leaves. Where wine enters sense leaves.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - As one is dressed one will be judged. As one is dressed one will be judged.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Love is blind. Love is blind.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Who is chasing after another must himself rest. Who is chasing after another must himself rest.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Honor whom should be honored. Honor whom should be honored.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - One should not offer cinnamon rolls to baker’s children. One should not offer cinnamon rolls to baker’s children.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - If the head is dumb, the body suffers. If the head is dumb, the body suffers.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Gold blinds many, love blinds all. Gold blinds many, love blinds all.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - A life without love is like a year without summer. A life without love is like a year without summer.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Of what fills the heart speaks the mouth. Of what fills the heart speaks the mouth.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Better to keep quiet than to speak poorly . Better to keep quiet than to speak poorly .
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - You are always closest to yourself. You are always closest to yourself.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - When distress is the greatest, help is the nearest. When distress is the greatest, help is the nearest.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - When you’re speaking about the trolls, they’re standing in the entrance hall listening. When you’re speaking about the trolls, they’re standing in the entrance hall listening.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Nothing is so good that it can’t be made better. Nothing is so good that it can’t be made better.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - The sun also has its spots. The sun also has its spots.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - It is easy to be prudent in hindsight. It is easy to be prudent in hindsight.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - You cannot ask more of an ox than a steak. You cannot ask more of an ox than a steak.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Let him who is without sin cast the first stone. Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - One swallow does not a summer make. One swallow does not a summer make.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - In the realm of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. In the realm of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Better late than never. Better late than never.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Injury makes you wise. Injury makes you wise.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - If you buy what you don’t need, you steal from yourself. If you buy what you don’t need, you steal from yourself.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Fear less, hope more; eat less, chew more; whine less, breathe more; talk less, say more; hate less, love more; and all good things will be yours. Fear less, hope more; eat less, chew more; whine less, breathe more; talk less, say more; hate less, love more; and all good things will be yours.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - The walls have ears. The walls have ears.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - If a blind one leads another, they both fall together. If a blind one leads another, they both fall together.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - A friend’s slap has honest intentions, your enemies’ kisses are meant to deceive. A friend’s slap has honest intentions, your enemies’ kisses are meant to deceive.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - The eyes want more than the stomach. The eyes want more than the stomach.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Quick wealth makes the man suspicious. Quick wealth makes the man suspicious.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Being young is a fault which improves daily. Being young is a fault which improves daily.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - What matter if I suffer, if only my neighbor suffers too. What matter if I suffer, if only my neighbor suffers too.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Don’t sell the pelt until you’ve killed the bear. Don’t sell the pelt until you’ve killed the bear.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - The water you collect from the stream teaches you about its source. The water you collect from the stream teaches you about its source.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - One must take matters into one’s own hands. One must take matters into one’s own hands.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - During the evening the lazy get in a hurry. During the evening the lazy get in a hurry.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - It is to be bent in time, that which bent shall be. It is to be bent in time, that which bent shall be.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Time heals all wounds. Time heals all wounds.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Even the best can make mistakes. Even the best can make mistakes.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Better loved and lost than never loved. Better loved and lost than never loved.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - One should eat or one dies. One should eat or one dies.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - A small tuft often overturns a big load. A small tuft often overturns a big load.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Death is God’s broom. Death is God’s broom.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - No smoke without fire.. No smoke without fire..
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - A hearty laugh lengthens your life. A hearty laugh lengthens your life.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - A clenched fist can neither give nor take. A clenched fist can neither give nor take.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Don’t let your sorrow come higher than your knees. Don’t let your sorrow come higher than your knees.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Easier hides a wise man his wisdom than a fool his madness. Easier hides a wise man his wisdom than a fool his madness.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Attack is the best defense. Attack is the best defense.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - A hundred tailors, a hundred millers, and a hundred weavers make three hundred thieves. A hundred tailors, a hundred millers, and a hundred weavers make three hundred thieves.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - An accident rarely comes alone. An accident rarely comes alone.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - To defend a wrong, is to wrong do anew. To defend a wrong, is to wrong do anew.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - All good things are three. All good things are three.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - What breaks in a moment may take years to mend. What breaks in a moment may take years to mend.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Necessity is the mother of invention. Necessity is the mother of invention.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - All aren’t gold that glimmers. All aren’t gold that glimmers.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Forbidden fruit always tastes the best. Forbidden fruit always tastes the best.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - The day we fear hastens toward us, the day we long for creeps. The day we fear hastens toward us, the day we long for creeps.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - What you do not know does not hurt you. What you do not know does not hurt you.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - He who enters the game must endure it. He who enters the game must endure it.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - In a small house God has his corner, in a large house He has to stand in the hall. In a small house God has his corner, in a large house He has to stand in the hall.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Own praise has a bad smell. Own praise has a bad smell.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - All eggs should not be put in one basket. All eggs should not be put in one basket.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Even a small star shines in the darkness. Even a small star shines in the darkness.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Those are wise that heed advice, but no one should heed dissuasive advice. Those are wise that heed advice, but no one should heed dissuasive advice.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Rather one bird in the hand, than ten in the woods. Rather one bird in the hand, than ten in the woods.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - All roads lead to Rome. All roads lead to Rome.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - First to the mill will first grind. First to the mill will first grind.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Do not wake the bear that sleeps. Do not wake the bear that sleeps.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Evil shall by evil be expelled. Evil shall by evil be expelled.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Death is the last doctor. Death is the last doctor.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Sleeping farmer gets a dreaming farmhand. Sleeping farmer gets a dreaming farmhand.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - A beloved child has many names. A beloved child has many names.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Each bird sings according to its own beak. Each bird sings according to its own beak.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Better to dam the brook than the creek. Better to dam the brook than the creek.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Better to flee than to fence poorly. Better to flee than to fence poorly.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - One shouldn’t buy a pig in a sack. One shouldn’t buy a pig in a sack.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - ‘If it isn’t one thing it’s the other’ said the girl with a nosebleed. ‘If it isn’t one thing it’s the other’ said the girl with a nosebleed.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - In the desert sand is cheap. In the desert sand is cheap.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - He who builds and he who marries are never safe. He who builds and he who marries are never safe.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Faith can move mountains. Faith can move mountains.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Don’t waste gunpowder on dead crows. Don’t waste gunpowder on dead crows.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - When God brings death, the devil brings heirs. When God brings death, the devil brings heirs.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Where shall the ladle be if not in the cauldron? Where shall the ladle be if not in the cauldron?
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - It is seldom the fault of one when two argue. It is seldom the fault of one when two argue.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - You never get tired of working for yourself. You never get tired of working for yourself.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Money does not smell. Money does not smell.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Grab the bull by its horns. Grab the bull by its horns.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Shame on he who gives up. Shame on he who gives up.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - He who bids for much, often loses all. He who bids for much, often loses all.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - When the sea is calm, every ship has a good captain. When the sea is calm, every ship has a good captain.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - All methods are good except for the bad ones. All methods are good except for the bad ones.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - The truth comes forward in wine. The truth comes forward in wine.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Expect nothing from friends, do what you can do yourself. Expect nothing from friends, do what you can do yourself.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Do not pull everyone over with a comb. Do not pull everyone over with a comb.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - A child is a certain sorrow and uncertain joy. A child is a certain sorrow and uncertain joy.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Wisdom has long ears and short tongue. Wisdom has long ears and short tongue.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Love has produced some heroes but even more idiots. Love has produced some heroes but even more idiots.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Luck never gives; it only lends. Luck never gives; it only lends.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - The devil visits the rich too – but he visits the poor twice. The devil visits the rich too – but he visits the poor twice.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Things never turn out the way you imagined. Things never turn out the way you imagined.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Lovely flowers fade fast. Lovely flowers fade fast.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - If there is room in the heart, there is room for the behind. If there is room in the heart, there is room for the behind.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Thin mosquitoes bite the worse. Thin mosquitoes bite the worse.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - All fools are brothers. All fools are brothers.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - As you sow, so shall you reap. As you sow, so shall you reap.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Adversity exists to be overcome. Adversity exists to be overcome.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - While there is life there is hope. While there is life there is hope.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - A woman is the last judge of the man. A woman is the last judge of the man.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - It will be like it will be. It will be like it will be.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - He who digs a pit for others, often falls into it himself. He who digs a pit for others, often falls into it himself.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - The pillow is the best adviser. The pillow is the best adviser.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Don’t wake a sleeping bear. Don’t wake a sleeping bear.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Afterwards is no advice. Afterwards is no advice.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Comes time comes counsel. Comes time comes counsel.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Rome was not built in one day. Rome was not built in one day.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Fortune favours the bold. Fortune favours the bold.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Each smith has his custom. Each smith has his custom.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Love me when I least deserve it, because that is when I need it the most. Love me when I least deserve it, because that is when I need it the most.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Eaten bread is soon forgotten. Eaten bread is soon forgotten.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - The apple does not fall far from the tree. The apple does not fall far from the tree.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - It is more blissful to give than to receive. It is more blissful to give than to receive.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - He who has long fingers should also have long legs. He who has long fingers should also have long legs.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Blood is thicker than water. Blood is thicker than water.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Through yourself you know others. Through yourself you know others.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Dig where you stand. Dig where you stand.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Do not make a hen out of a feather. Do not make a hen out of a feather.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - When it rains on the priest, it dripples on the sacristan. When it rains on the priest, it dripples on the sacristan.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - It concerns you, too, when your neighbor’s wall is on fire. It concerns you, too, when your neighbor’s wall is on fire.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Own hearth is gold worth. Own hearth is gold worth.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Honesty lasts the longest. Honesty lasts the longest.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - The miser is his own mother-in-law. The miser is his own mother-in-law.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Take the custom where you come. Take the custom where you come.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Slow but steady. Slow but steady.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Pride goes before fall. Pride goes before fall.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - An upstanding peasant is bigger than a nobleman on his knees. An upstanding peasant is bigger than a nobleman on his knees.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - The end justifies the means. The end justifies the means.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Time passes by quickly when you are enjoying yourself. Time passes by quickly when you are enjoying yourself.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - ‘Sour’ said the fox about rowanberries. ‘Sour’ said the fox about rowanberries.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - If you lose one, there are a thousand more to choose from. If you lose one, there are a thousand more to choose from.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - The loss on the swings is won back on the merry-go-round. The loss on the swings is won back on the merry-go-round.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - A spoken word and a thrown stone cannot be called back. A spoken word and a thrown stone cannot be called back.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Distress knows no law. Distress knows no law.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Do not weep over spilled milk. Do not weep over spilled milk.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Variety delights. Variety delights.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Nobody is too young to die tomorrow. Nobody is too young to die tomorrow.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Dear child has many names. Dear child has many names.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Only Sweden has Swedish gooseberries. Only Sweden has Swedish gooseberries.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Hurry slowly. Hurry slowly.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - The end is good, everything is good. The end is good, everything is good.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Each day has enough of its own misery. Each day has enough of its own misery.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - When the mouse is full, the flour tastes bitter. When the mouse is full, the flour tastes bitter.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - You must learn to crawl before you can walk. You must learn to crawl before you can walk.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - It is best to bite into the sour apple It is best to bite into the sour apple
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Angry cats get scratched skin. Angry cats get scratched skin.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - If you marry money the devil lays an egg in your storeroom. If you marry money the devil lays an egg in your storeroom.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Nothing is new under the sun. Nothing is new under the sun.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Shortcuts are often ‘longcuts’. Shortcuts are often ‘longcuts’.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - A soft answer calms the wrath. A soft answer calms the wrath.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - A clean conscience is the best pillow. A clean conscience is the best pillow.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - One should not add oil to the fire. One should not add oil to the fire.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - The road to hell is lined with good resolutions. The road to hell is lined with good resolutions.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - After the rain the grass will grow; after wine, conversation. After the rain the grass will grow; after wine, conversation.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Patience is the art of hoping. Patience is the art of hoping.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - The donkey is known by his ears, the fool by his words. The donkey is known by his ears, the fool by his words.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Don’t praise the day before the sun has set. Don’t praise the day before the sun has set.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - In the calmest waters swim the ugliest fish. In the calmest waters swim the ugliest fish.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Let the food silence the mouth. Let the food silence the mouth.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - When it rains manna from heaven, the poor one does not have a spoon. When it rains manna from heaven, the poor one does not have a spoon.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - What doesn’t kill, hardens. What doesn’t kill, hardens.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Evil gun powder doesn’t go away easily. Evil gun powder doesn’t go away easily.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Treat others as you would want to be treated yourself. Treat others as you would want to be treated yourself.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - If you give someone a finger he wants the whole hand. If you give someone a finger he wants the whole hand.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - As you make your bed, so will you sleep. As you make your bed, so will you sleep.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Don’t saw off the branch you’re sitting on. Don’t saw off the branch you’re sitting on.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - It’s the thought that counts. It’s the thought that counts.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - A man without money is like a boat without sails. A man without money is like a boat without sails.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Love is like dew that falls on both nettles and lilies. Love is like dew that falls on both nettles and lilies.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - You have to correct your mouth according to your lunch pack. You have to correct your mouth according to your lunch pack.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - In darkness all cats are grey. In darkness all cats are grey.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - They who want to sing will always find a song. They who want to sing will always find a song.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - After rain comes sunshine. After rain comes sunshine.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Don’t throw away the old bucket until you know whether the new one holds water. Don’t throw away the old bucket until you know whether the new one holds water.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - One should not change horses in the middle of the stream. One should not change horses in the middle of the stream.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - When the cat is away, the rats dance on the table. When the cat is away, the rats dance on the table.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - The nail that sticks out gets struck. The nail that sticks out gets struck.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Work is half of health. Work is half of health.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - One should not bow before stupidity merely because it is old. One should not bow before stupidity merely because it is old.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Small wounds and poor friends should not be despised. Small wounds and poor friends should not be despised.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Eyes that do not cry, do not see. Eyes that do not cry, do not see.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - It’s a small world. It’s a small world.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - Self-praise stinks. Self-praise stinks.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - The dripping can hollow the stone. The dripping can hollow the stone.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - You don’t miss the cow until the stall is empty. You don’t miss the cow until the stall is empty.
  • Swedish Proverb Quote - He who saves, has. He who saves, has.