
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - Education has no ending. Education has no ending.
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - Aiming isn’t hitting. Aiming isn’t hitting.
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - Delay so that you may arrive. Delay so that you may arrive.
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - A single finger does not break a louse. A single finger does not break a louse.
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - Intelligence is an asset. Intelligence is an asset.
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - If water has been spilt, it cannot be scooped up. If water has been spilt, it cannot be scooped up.
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - Don’t plant a seed in the sea. Don’t plant a seed in the sea.
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - If you destroy a bridge, be sure you can swim. If you destroy a bridge, be sure you can swim.
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - If you don’t seal a crack, you will build wall. If you don’t seal a crack, you will build wall.
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - The route of a liar is short. The route of a liar is short.
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - A fly does not mind dying in coconut cream. A fly does not mind dying in coconut cream.
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - If the hours are long enough and the pay is short enough, someone will say it’s women’s work. If the hours are long enough and the pay is short enough, someone will say it’s women’s work.
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - Habit is a skin. Habit is a skin.
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - Unity is strength, disunity is weakness. Unity is strength, disunity is weakness.
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - A person is people. A person is people.
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - How come that the pepper which you are not eating is too hot for you? How come that the pepper which you are not eating is too hot for you?
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - When the cat has gone away, the mice prevail. When the cat has gone away, the mice prevail.
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - A remote stick does not kill a snake. A remote stick does not kill a snake.
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - Anger brings damage. Anger brings damage.
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - Blood is heavier than water. Blood is heavier than water.
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - Where smoke is being generated, there is a fire. Where smoke is being generated, there is a fire.
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - He who isn’t around, his share isn’t around either . He who isn’t around, his share isn’t around either .
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - Two crocodiles cannot agree. Two crocodiles cannot agree.
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - If the hyena eats the sick man, he will eat the whole one. If the hyena eats the sick man, he will eat the whole one.
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - There are three things which if one does not know, one cannot live long in the world: what is too much for one, what is too little for one, and what is just right for one. There are three things which if one does not know, one cannot live long in the world: what is too much for one, what is too little for one, and what is just right for one.
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - Wait at the bottom, for the one who is up. Wait at the bottom, for the one who is up.
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - The remedy for fire is fire. The remedy for fire is fire.
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - A drowning person does not stop thrashing around. A drowning person does not stop thrashing around.
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - Don’t insult midwives as long as you are still able to give birth. Don’t insult midwives as long as you are still able to give birth.
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - Patience attracts success. Patience attracts success.
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - Where there is a will, there is a way. Where there is a will, there is a way.
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - The child of a snake is a snake. The child of a snake is a snake.
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - Bribery is the enemy of justice. Bribery is the enemy of justice.
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - To a physician a sick man is a garden. To a physician a sick man is a garden.
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - If you want to eat a pig, eat a fat one. If you want to eat a pig, eat a fat one.
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - If a child cries for a razor-blade, give it to him. If a child cries for a razor-blade, give it to him.
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - Nine is near ten. Nine is near ten.
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - Little by little fills up the measure. Little by little fills up the measure.
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - A spear is only against a pig; against a human being it is painful. A spear is only against a pig; against a human being it is painful.
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - Give way to the strong one. Give way to the strong one.
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - A distant fire does not burn. Haste has no blessing. Delay so that you may arrive. A distant fire does not burn. Haste has no blessing. Delay so that you may arrive.
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - Haste does not result in prosperity. Haste does not result in prosperity.
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - A letter from the heart can be read on the face. A letter from the heart can be read on the face.
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - Don’t provoke bees. Don’t provoke bees.
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - Donating is only a matter of willingness and not wealth. Donating is only a matter of willingness and not wealth.
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - Abuses are the result of seeing one another too often. Abuses are the result of seeing one another too often.
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - How come that the pepper which you are not eating is too hot for you? How come that the pepper which you are not eating is too hot for you?
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - Haste has no blessing. Haste has no blessing.
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - Death is blind. Death is blind.
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - Many cooks spoil the sauce. Many cooks spoil the sauce.
  • Swahili Proverb Quote - He who sows haphazardly, eats haphazardly. He who sows haphazardly, eats haphazardly.