- The alligator lays eggs, but he is not a fowl.
- There is trouble in the business, and Anancy takes it home.
- There is a fire blowing at the tail of the mouse, but he believes he is feeling the effects of a cooling breeze.
- There’s someone out there for everyone.
- If you cannot catch Quaku (Harry), catch his shirt
- The mug is not broken, therefore the coffee is not thrown away (or wasted).
- You never see smoke without fire.
- Do not be misled by others’ excitement; use the facts to judge something for yourself.
- Take what you can get until you can get what you want.
- When some people find themselves with a little extra cash, they spend it on things that they don’t even need.
- You can shake a man’s head, but you cannot shake his heart.
- Life isn’t fair.
- The peacock hides his foot when he hears about his tail.
- A patient man rides a donkey.
- Don’t go looking for trouble.
- Every dog has his day, and every cat has his 4 o’clock.
- I came here to drink milk, not to count cows.
- Have-nots covet what the Haves take for granted.
- If you spit in the sky, it falls into your eye.
- John crow never thinks of making his house until it rains.
- Self praise is no recommendation.
- Make the best of a bad situation, and be content with what you have.
- When the ashes are cold, even a dog can sleep there.
- Make good manners a regular part of your life.
- A good friend is better than money in the pocket.
- Don’t let one donkey choke you.
- Shoes alone know if the stocking have holes.
- What tastes sweet in the mouth burns the belly.
- When you find yourself in trouble, a child’s shirt fits you.
- If you want everything you see, you will eventually lose all.
- The chicken, unaware of the danger posed by the hovering hawk, makes merry.
- Things are not always as they seem.
- Don’t get involved in things that don’t concern you.
- You tend to stick to people of the same nature.
- Young John crows are white when hatched, but do not remain white.
- A penny-halfpenny (1 1/2d) buys trouble, one hundred pounds ( £100 ) cannot pay for it.
- The dog does not howl if he has a bone.
- You cannot sit on the back of the cow and curse the skin of the cow.
- Do not take pleasure in the misfortunes of others as the same could happen to you.
- The new broom sweeps clean, but the old broom knows all the corners.
- When a meagre plantain wants to die, it shoots.
- When the cocoa (cacao) ripens, it bursts.
- A cowardly man keeps sound bones.
- Old fire sticks are easily re-kindled.
- Do not wait until the drum beats before you grind your axe.
- The hog/pig eats whatever its mind gives it for [or wants].
- Sitting down too much wears out one’s trousers.
- A dog among doctors, a cockroach among shavers.
- If you can’t get turkey, you must satisfy with John Crow.
- When the poor man gets up, he becomes trouble to the world.
- Do not rush into a marriage, or any intimate relationship, but wait until the time is right.
- One hand washes the other.
- What the goat does, the kid follows.
- A stone at the bottom of the river never feels the heat of the sun,
- The person is too slight.
- Sheltered persons don’t know true hardship or troubles.
- If you do not smash an ant, it is impossible for you to find its guts.
- Every day the devil helps the theif; one day God will help the watchman.
- If you put your hand in the devil’s mouth, take it out carefully.
- Do not underestimate the value of the elderly.
- What is yours will always be yours.
- That which appears too good, can hurt you.
- Nothing lasts forever.
- Think before you speak.
- A woman has a mouth like a fowl.
- The Parson always christens his own child first.
- People tend to point out the faults in others than their own.
- When a man’s belly is filled, he breaks the pot.
- A thick blanket causes a man to sleep late.
- Long run, short catch.
- Not everything that comes from above is a blessing.
- When someone behaves in an overly enthusiastic manner.
- Too many rats never dug a good hole.
- Rain never falls at one man’s door (only).
- One finger alone cannot kill lice.
- If you spread your bed hard, you must lie on a hard bed.
- Make use of the first opportunities that comes your way.
- You will never know someone just from casual acquaintances. Take time to know someone.
- Allow one jackass (donkey) to bray at a time.
- If you are afraid of the eye, you will never eat the head.
- Practice what you preach.
- The rooster was killed by his own mouth.
- Every day’s fishing day, but not every day’s a day to catch fish.
- Not everyone goes to church for the same reason, some just go to gossip.
- Sleep has no master.
- No matter how drunk the cockroach becomes, he never makes the mistake of walking past the yard of the fowl.
- I’m free to say what I want.
- Before allowing good food to spoil, allow the belly to burst.
- The person who brings gossip to you is the same one taking it back.
- If you are unable to get turkey, then you must be satisfied with John Crow.
- Do not expect to achieve success overnight, take it slowly.
- The more you look, the less you will see.
- It is no use pretending to be something you are not as the true you will always show.
- Parents always think that their children are destined for greatness.
- A he-goat never wants to scratch his back till he see a stone wall.
- Never judge by outward appearances alone.
- Finger never says “look here,” he says “look yonder”.
- Get out of any situation in which you feel threatened or pressured into doing anything against your will.
- It is not for the want of fat that the nightingale’s legs stand so.
- Always choose the first opportunity.
- Deal with important matters first.
- Today for me, tomorrow for you.
- Be discreet in what you communicate to others.
- What went wrong in the morning cannot be remedied in the evening.
- Do not purchase a pussycat in a bag.
- Words are never enough to get through difficult situations. Offer practical solutions and not just mere talk.
- The bond between blood relatives is very strong.
- Willful waste brings woeful want.
- Bowl goes, calabash comes.
- It’s easy to rekindle an old romance.
- A stranger does not know where the deep water is.
- A crybaby (for a stubborn) never gets his rights.
- You should not cast off a member of your family who gets into trouble.
- Danger lurks nearby when there is too much merriment and excitement.
- The Hungry belly and the full belly do not walk the same road.
- One pound of fretting, cannot repay one ounce of debts.
- He who wants it desperately cannot get it; he who get it easily does not want it or appreciate it.
- The driver flogs his own wife first.
- Mischief comes by the pound and goes by the ounce.
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