
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - Even the largest army is nothing without a good general. Even the largest army is nothing without a good general.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - Appreciate great things. Appreciate great things.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - Fear the person who doesn’t fear god. Fear the person who doesn’t fear god.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - Even if a knife is made of silver, a person won’t stab his own heart with it. Even if a knife is made of silver, a person won’t stab his own heart with it.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - You can’t flee your lot nor share it with another. You can’t flee your lot nor share it with another.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - A broken hand can work but a broken heart can’t. A broken hand can work but a broken heart can’t.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - The best weapon is the one that’s to hand. The best weapon is the one that’s to hand.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - A liar is forgetful. A liar is forgetful.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - Having been bitten by a snake, he’s afraid of a rope. Having been bitten by a snake, he’s afraid of a rope.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - Blood cannot be washed out with blood. Blood cannot be washed out with blood.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - The rose is a friend of the thorn. The rose is a friend of the thorn.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - There is a path to the top of highest mountain. There is a path to the top of highest mountain.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - A palm tree growing in the shade will not bear ripe fruit. A palm tree growing in the shade will not bear ripe fruit.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - Though God is almighty, he doesn’t send rain from a clear sky. Though God is almighty, he doesn’t send rain from a clear sky.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - Give graciously – even an onion. Give graciously – even an onion.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - A fox is in trouble because of his pelt. A fox is in trouble because of his pelt.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - Wealth belongs to the person who enjoys it and not to the one who keeps it. Wealth belongs to the person who enjoys it and not to the one who keeps it.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - The potter drink water from a broken jug. The potter drink water from a broken jug.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - The world lives in hope. The world lives in hope.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - Where the heart would go, there follows the foot. Where the heart would go, there follows the foot.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - Everyone’s own country is Kashmir to him. Everyone’s own country is Kashmir to him.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - A tree does not move unless there is wind. A tree does not move unless there is wind.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - Salt preserves meat, but what can be done with salt if it is bad. Salt preserves meat, but what can be done with salt if it is bad.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - What you see in yourself is what you see in the world. What you see in yourself is what you see in the world.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - Community is not created by force. Community is not created by force.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - Two are better than one, and three than two. Two are better than one, and three than two.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - One who calls himself khan is not a khan. One who calls himself khan is not a khan.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - What my heart desired didn’t happen. What my heart desired didn’t happen.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - That which thunders does not rain. That which thunders does not rain.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - When man is perplexed god is beneficent. When man is perplexed god is beneficent.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - In old age you’re feeble. In old age you’re feeble.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - What comes out of a trumpet except breath? What comes out of a trumpet except breath?
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - He ran out from under the leaking roof and set in the rain. He ran out from under the leaking roof and set in the rain.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - Flourish like a flower, but may your life be longer . Flourish like a flower, but may your life be longer .
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - A tilted load won’t reach its destination. A tilted load won’t reach its destination.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - One who runs will also fall. One who runs will also fall.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - A good year is determined by its spring. A good year is determined by its spring.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - Every tree feels the force of the wind. Every tree feels the force of the wind.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - He who goes to the blacksmith’s shop comes home with scorched clothes. He who goes to the blacksmith’s shop comes home with scorched clothes.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - One flower doesn’t bring spring. One flower doesn’t bring spring.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - Him in trouble, thus becoming his own worst enemy. Him in trouble, thus becoming his own worst enemy.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - A warm fire is better than delicious cooked rice. A warm fire is better than delicious cooked rice.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - When the tiger kills, the jackal profits. When the tiger kills, the jackal profits.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - Cats don’t catch mice to please God. Cats don’t catch mice to please God.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - Under his bowl there is a little bowl. Under his bowl there is a little bowl.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - Hearing is never as good as seeing. Hearing is never as good as seeing.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - Don’t use your teeth when you can un-tie the knot with your fingers. Don’t use your teeth when you can un-tie the knot with your fingers.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - Dont take off your shoes before seeing the water. Dont take off your shoes before seeing the water.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - No one says his own buttermilk is sour. No one says his own buttermilk is sour.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - The world is the traveler’s inn. The world is the traveler’s inn.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - There is a way from heart to heart. There is a way from heart to heart.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - He appreciates prosperity who is caught in calamity. He appreciates prosperity who is caught in calamity.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - A donkey has two friends: his two hind legs. A donkey has two friends: his two hind legs.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - Don’t be a thief and you won’t fear the king. Don’t be a thief and you won’t fear the king.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - What god wanted was really done. What god wanted was really done.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - A wise enemy is better than a foolish friend. A wise enemy is better than a foolish friend.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - First food, then religion. First food, then religion.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - Between brother and brother accounts should be square. Between brother and brother accounts should be square.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - When the wine is free even the judge drinks it. When the wine is free even the judge drinks it.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - No rose is without thorns. No rose is without thorns.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - As long as there are fools in the world no one will be penniless. As long as there are fools in the world no one will be penniless.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - Every anguish passes except the anguish of hunger. Every anguish passes except the anguish of hunger.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - Debt severs love. Debt severs love.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - Don’t stop a donkey that is not yours. Don’t stop a donkey that is not yours.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - Too many butchers ruined the cow. Too many butchers ruined the cow.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - Smart people get the point from a single hint. Smart people get the point from a single hint.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - As the sun’s shadow shifts, so there is no permanence on earth. As the sun’s shadow shifts, so there is no permanence on earth.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - Forget the past , but look out in the future. Forget the past , but look out in the future.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - Five fingers are brothers but not equals. Five fingers are brothers but not equals.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - Hasty work doesn’t succeed. Hasty work doesn’t succeed.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - In youth you’re lustful. In youth you’re lustful.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - In childhood you’re playful. In childhood you’re playful.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - An old friend is like a saddled horse. An old friend is like a saddled horse.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - They ask the fox , who is your witness? They ask the fox , who is your witness?
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - A cheep thing doesn’t lack defect, an expensive thing quality. A cheep thing doesn’t lack defect, an expensive thing quality.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - On earth it’s hard and heaven is far away. On earth it’s hard and heaven is far away.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - He who can be killed by sugar should not be killed by poison. He who can be killed by sugar should not be killed by poison.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - The right answer to a fool is silence. The right answer to a fool is silence.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - He has soaked a hundred heads, but hasn’t shaved one. He has soaked a hundred heads, but hasn’t shaved one.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - Don’t show me the palm tree, show me the dates. Don’t show me the palm tree, show me the dates.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - The deaf laugh twice. The deaf laugh twice.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - Unless god does it. What can doctor do? Unless god does it. What can doctor do?
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - If you don’t recognize god at least know him by his power. If you don’t recognize god at least know him by his power.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - But a wounded spirit cannot be overcome. But a wounded spirit cannot be overcome.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - Tow watermelons can’t be held in one hand. Tow watermelons can’t be held in one hand.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - Where there is a will, there is a way. Where there is a will, there is a way.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - To speak ill of anyone is to speak ill of yourself. To speak ill of anyone is to speak ill of yourself.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - Where there is discipline there is social order. Where there is discipline there is social order.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - There are twenty-five uncaught sparrows for a penny. There are twenty-five uncaught sparrows for a penny.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - Poor iron won’t make sharp sword. Poor iron won’t make sharp sword.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - Whatever you sow you reap. Whatever you sow you reap.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - Glory is fitting to god alone. Glory is fitting to god alone.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - Don’t dig wells for others for you will fall into one yourself. Don’t dig wells for others for you will fall into one yourself.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - God has said start moving so that I may start blessing. God has said start moving so that I may start blessing.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - Heaven is dark and yet out of it streams clear water. Heaven is dark and yet out of it streams clear water.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - There is blessing in action. There is blessing in action.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - When god gives, he doesn’t ask whose son a person is. When god gives, he doesn’t ask whose son a person is.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - Don’t sprinkle salt on my wound. Don’t sprinkle salt on my wound.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - If you want to keep camels, have a big enough door. If you want to keep camels, have a big enough door.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - Two watermelons can’t be held in one hand. Two watermelons can’t be held in one hand.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - The wood is burnt, but the ashes are a nuisance. The wood is burnt, but the ashes are a nuisance.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - Every man thinks his own thoughts are best. Every man thinks his own thoughts are best.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - Stretch your feet to the length of your blanket. Stretch your feet to the length of your blanket.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - A lion at home, and a fox abroad. A lion at home, and a fox abroad.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - The seeker is the finder. The seeker is the finder.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - Without a green switch the cow and donkey won’t obey. Without a green switch the cow and donkey won’t obey.
  • Afghan Proverb Quote - A lame crab walks straight. A lame crab walks straight.