Two wrongs do not make a right.
More Swedish Proverbs
Practice gives skill.
Health is quietly keeping silent .
Small pots have ears too.
Ingratitude is the world’s reward.
If it tastes good it is expensive.
Easier said than done.
Money opens all gates but heaven’s.
Of what fills the heart speaks the mouth.
The walls have ears.
A small tuft often overturns a big load.
The day we fear hastens toward us, the day we long for creeps.
Each bird sings according to its own beak.
He who bids for much, often loses all.
As you sow, so shall you reap.
The apple does not fall far from the tree.
Pride goes before fall.
Each day has enough of its own misery.
In the calmest waters swim the ugliest fish.
After rain comes sunshine.
One cannot both eat one’s cookie and keep it.
Weeds last the season.
Warned is armed.
Envy never rests.
Close does not shoot any hares.
He who lives shall see.
One learns from mistakes.
Happiness comes happiness leaves.
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