Things never turn out the way you imagined.
More Swedish Proverbs
It is easy to cut broad strips off other people’s leather.
As you shout you get will be answered.
The smith’s horse and the shoemakers children are worst shod.
Envy never rests.
Close does not shoot any hares.
He who lives shall see.
One learns from mistakes.
Happiness comes happiness leaves.
The afternoon knows what the morning never suspected.
Midsummer night is not long but it sets many cradles rocking.
Better to keep quiet than to speak poorly .
If a blind one leads another, they both fall together.
Death is God’s broom.
What you do not know does not hurt you.
Better to dam the brook than the creek.
When the sea is calm, every ship has a good captain.
Adversity exists to be overcome.
It is more blissful to give than to receive.
An upstanding peasant is bigger than a nobleman on his knees.
When the mouse is full, the flour tastes bitter.
Let the food silence the mouth.
Don’t throw away the old bucket until you know whether the new one holds water.
Morning hour has gold in its mouth.
Such father, such son.
Each person is the forger of his own happiness.
What is unclearly said is unclearly thought.
It is better to free someone guilty than to convict someone innocent.
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