The seed of all evil is laziness.
More Welsh Proverbs
The strength of a nation is its knowledge.
A nation without a language is a nation without a heart.
Do good and then do it again.
I was wise once: when I was born I cried.
Memory slips, letters remain.
Be a friend to yourself, and others will.
If every fool wore a crown, we should all be kings.
Things turn sour when you play with fire.
Adversity brings knowledge and knowledge wisdom.
The crow sees its chick as white.
A great sin can enter through a small door.
Your hand is never the worse for doing its own work.
To return to my trees – to relax and unwind, to calm your mind.
Better educated than wealthy.
Conscience is the nest where all good is hatched.
You must crawl before walking.
The older the man, the weaker his mind.
The strength of the old is their ready counsel.
To sing before breakfast is to weep before supper.
Three comforts of old age: fire, tea and tobacco.
Tapping persistently breaks the stone.
Everything that is yellow is not gold.
Everything you have in this world is just borrowed for a short time.
It is good to look homewards.
The best shortage is a shortage of words.
The seed of all evil is laziness.
The best knowledge is to know yourself.
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