The reputation of a thousand years may be determined by the conduct of one hour.
More Japanese Proverbs
Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
Gold coins to a cat.
A man in love mistakes a pimple for a dimple.
Fall down seven times, get up eight times.
Take a bad or desperate situation and turn it into a successful one.
Even monkeys fall from trees.
Forgiving the unrepentant is like drawing pictures on water.
Be not afraid of going slowly. Be afraid of standing still.
Everyone has their own tastes. Respect others.
Dumplings rather than flowers.
A merchant’s happiness hangs upon chance, winds, and waves.
Be humble. Even an expert can make mistakes.
If you make a mistake, don’t hesitate to correct it.
Reality is never as good as your imagination.
Even a thief takes ten years to learn his trade.
He who runs after two hares will catch neither.
It is the same life whether we spend it crying or laughing.
Love and a cough cannot be hidden.
Money grows on the tree of persistence.
Cold tea and cold rice are bearable, but not cold looks and cold words.
Boasting begins where wisdom stops.
There’s no medicine for falling in love.
It is a beggar’s pride that he is not a thief.
A bad wife spells a hundred years of bad harvest.
The reputation of a thousand years may be determined by the conduct of one hour.
Even a sea bream loses its flavor when eaten alone.
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