Old love never rusts.
More Swedish Proverbs
Don’t light a fire for the crows.
Speak with farmers like farmers speak, and with the educated in latin.
Empty barrels are noisiest.
Easily caught, easily lost.
The sun also has its spots.
What matter if I suffer, if only my neighbor suffers too.
Easier hides a wise man his wisdom than a fool his madness.
Even a small star shines in the darkness.
He who builds and he who marries are never safe.
A child is a certain sorrow and uncertain joy.
The pillow is the best adviser.
Do not make a hen out of a feather.
The loss on the swings is won back on the merry-go-round.
Nothing is new under the sun.
If you give someone a finger he wants the whole hand.
One should not bow before stupidity merely because it is old.
Away is good but home is best.
As the master sleeps, the servant dreams.
Constant sunshine makes a desert.
It is never too late.
Don’t put stones on a burden.
Poor memory is better than bad memories.
A piece of bread in your pocket is better than a feather in your hat.
Stinginess deceives wisdom.
Don’t sell the fur until the bear has been shot.
Where wine enters sense leaves.
It is easy to be prudent in hindsight.
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