Lovers do not hide their nakedness.
More African Proverbs
If you close your eyes to facts, you will learn through accidents.
If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.
Once you carry your own water, you’ll remember every drop.
Parents give birth to the body of their children, but not always to their characters.
The fool speaks, the wise man listens.
A man’s ruin lies in his tongue.
If anyone makes you laugh, it is not always because they love you.
A family is like a forest, when you are outside it is dense, when you are inside you see that each tree has its place.
However long the night, the dawn will break.
Children are the reward of life.
If there is no enemy within, the enemy outside can do no harm.
A woman is a flower in a garden; her husband is the fence around it.
Other people’s wisdom prevents the king from being called a fool.
When you show the child the moon, it sees only your finger.
There is no fool who is disowned by his family.
African Proverbs About Love
Wisdom is like a baobab tree; no one individual can embrace it.
When one is in love, a cliff becomes a meadow.
To love someone who doesn’t love you is like shaking a tree to make the dew drops fall.
He who does not know one thing knows another
A wise person doesn’t fall down the same hill twice.
He who refuses to obey cannot command.
Love for something makes a man blind and deaf.
All monkeys cannot hang from the same branch.
It takes a village to raise a child.
African Proverbs About Wisdom
Having a good discussion is like having riches.
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