It is no use pretending to be something you are not as the true you will always show.
More Jamaican Proverbs
A patient man rides a donkey.
If you want everything you see, you will eventually lose all.
The hog/pig eats whatever its mind gives it for [or wants].
That which appears too good, can hurt you.
You will never know someone just from casual acquaintances. Take time to know someone.
Parents always think that their children are destined for greatness.
It’s easy to rekindle an old romance.
Don’t go looking for trouble.
The chicken, unaware of the danger posed by the hovering hawk, makes merry.
Sitting down too much wears out one’s trousers.
Nothing lasts forever.
Allow one jackass (donkey) to bray at a time.
A he-goat never wants to scratch his back till he see a stone wall.
A stranger does not know where the deep water is.
Every dog has his day, and every cat has his 4 o’clock.
Things are not always as they seem.
A dog among doctors, a cockroach among shavers.
Think before you speak.
If you are afraid of the eye, you will never eat the head.
Never judge by outward appearances alone.
A crybaby (for a stubborn) never gets his rights.
The alligator lays eggs, but he is not a fowl.
I came here to drink milk, not to count cows.
Don’t get involved in things that don’t concern you.
If you can’t get turkey, you must satisfy with John Crow.
A woman has a mouth like a fowl.
Practice what you preach.
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