In the valley where there are no tigers the hare is king.
More Korean Proverbs
You scratch where it itches.
Even a sheet of paper is lighter when two people lift it.
The nicest woman is your own; the nicest harvest is your neighbors.
A man’s youth will never die, unless he kills himself.
Power lasts ten years; influence not more than a hundred.
Selling like hotcakes.
There is a proper order for everything.
The walls have ears.
A day-old pigeon cannot fly over a mountain pass.
A nobleman’s calf does not know how a butcher kills.
Let the fox guard the sheep.
Jack of all trades, master of none.
If you kick a stone in anger, you’ll hurt your own foot.
Even though words have no wings, they can still fly a thousand miles.
Fortune favors the brave.
Cross even a stone bridge after you’ve tested it.
Butterflies come to pretty flowers.
Keep your cool even in the face of despair.
If you buy cheap, you waste your money.
An empty cart rattles loudly.
A poor old horse will have a worn out tail.
A turtle can only get on it by sticking its neck out.
Out of sight, out of mind.
If you want a well, only dig in one place.
A loaf of bread is better than the song of many birds.
If a pedestrian sees a horse he will want to ride it.
There is no shortcut to learning.
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