He that is bald headed has no need for a comb.
More Indian Proverbs
Life is a bridge, cross over it, but build no house on it.
No one was ever lost on a straight road.
Fish and guests smell when they are three days old.
If they don’t exchange a few words, father and son will never know one another.
Life is not a continuum of pleasant choices, but of inevitable problems that call for strength, determination, and hard work.
If you live on the river, befriend the crocodile.
For the friendship of two, the patience of one is required.
To sing to the deaf, to talk with the dumb, and to dance for the blind are three foolish things.
Walking slowly, even the donkey will reach Lhasa.
There are three uncertainties: woman, wind, and wealth.
It is better to be blind than to see things from only one point of view.
Among the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
Where the needle goes, the thread follows.
It is easy to forget a kindness, but one remembers unkindness.
Whoever eats a pancake never counts the holes in it.
If a man from humble beginnings gets rich, he will carry his umbrella at midnight.
Fish and guests smell when they are three days old.
When a camel is at the foot of a mountain only then judge his height.
Don’t eat your bread on someone else’s table.
Never stand in front of a judge or behind a donkey.
Don’t judge any man until you have walked two moons in his moccasins.
Great minds discuss ideas, medium minds discuss events, and little minds discuss people.
Something done at the wrong time should be regarded as not done.
To control the mind is like trying to control a drunken monkey that has been bitten by a scorpion.
The money you dream about will not pay your bills.
Use medicine as well as prayers.
Be careful for deep water and dogs that do not bark.
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