More Afghan Proverbs
- There is a path to the top of highest mountain.
- What my heart desired didn’t happen.
- Cats don’t catch mice to please God.
- No rose is without thorns.
- On earth it’s hard and heaven is far away.
- Glory is fitting to god alone.
- A palm tree growing in the shade will not bear ripe fruit.
- That which thunders does not rain.
- Under his bowl there is a little bowl.
- As long as there are fools in the world no one will be penniless.
- He who can be killed by sugar should not be killed by poison.
- Don’t dig wells for others for you will fall into one yourself.
- Though God is almighty, he doesn’t send rain from a clear sky.
- When man is perplexed god is beneficent.
- Hearing is never as good as seeing.
- Every anguish passes except the anguish of hunger.
- The right answer to a fool is silence.
- God has said start moving so that I may start blessing.
- Give graciously – even an onion.
- In old age you’re feeble.
- Don’t use your teeth when you can un-tie the knot with your fingers.
- Debt severs love.
- He has soaked a hundred heads, but hasn’t shaved one.
- Heaven is dark and yet out of it streams clear water.
- A fox is in trouble because of his pelt.
- What comes out of a trumpet except breath?
- Dont take off your shoes before seeing the water.