Haste does not result in prosperity.
More Swahili Proverbs
Unity is strength, disunity is weakness.
Patience attracts success.
Abuses are the result of seeing one another too often.
A person is people.
Where there is a will, there is a way.
How come that the pepper which you are not eating is too hot for you?
How come that the pepper which you are not eating is too hot for you?
The child of a snake is a snake.
Haste has no blessing.
Education has no ending.
When the cat has gone away, the mice prevail.
Bribery is the enemy of justice.
Death is blind.
Aiming isn’t hitting.
A remote stick does not kill a snake.
To a physician a sick man is a garden.
Many cooks spoil the sauce.
Delay so that you may arrive.
Anger brings damage.
If you want to eat a pig, eat a fat one.
He who sows haphazardly, eats haphazardly.
A single finger does not break a louse.
Blood is heavier than water.
If a child cries for a razor-blade, give it to him.
Intelligence is an asset.
Where smoke is being generated, there is a fire.
Nine is near ten.
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