Habit is a skin.
More Swahili Proverbs
Education has no ending.
When the cat has gone away, the mice prevail.
Bribery is the enemy of justice.
Death is blind.
Aiming isn’t hitting.
A remote stick does not kill a snake.
To a physician a sick man is a garden.
Many cooks spoil the sauce.
Delay so that you may arrive.
Anger brings damage.
If you want to eat a pig, eat a fat one.
He who sows haphazardly, eats haphazardly.
A single finger does not break a louse.
Blood is heavier than water.
If a child cries for a razor-blade, give it to him.
Intelligence is an asset.
Where smoke is being generated, there is a fire.
Nine is near ten.
If water has been spilt, it cannot be scooped up.
He who isn’t around, his share isn’t around either .
Little by little fills up the measure.
Don’t plant a seed in the sea.
Two crocodiles cannot agree.
A spear is only against a pig; against a human being it is painful.
If you destroy a bridge, be sure you can swim.
If the hyena eats the sick man, he will eat the whole one.
Give way to the strong one.
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